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Charlie's POV:
Arriving at the club/restaurant or whatever the hell it was. I was high on adrenaline; my heels clicked along the pavement , my hair blew slightly, and a chill caught my cheeks, enhancing the blush on my cheeks.

I decided not to wear a jacket tonight, my dress was long sleeve and it's not like we'd be outside all night.

i waited patiently for Mila at the end of the queue.
It was taking her longer than i anticipated but she soon replied:

Mila: Hi babe! I'm almost there , traffic is ass rn ffs, i'll be late so just go in without me i'll see your there xoxo

I sighed, but wasn't going to let a few minutes of independent drinking ruin my mood. The line went fairly quickly and before i knew it i was 3 people away from the front.
The bouncer, bald (classic) and extremely tall - i was tempted to say even 7ft but i was probably over exaggerating. He asked for my ID, looked me up and down. He nodded for me to head inside, so i did.

I made my way into the restaurant, deciding to sit at the bar and wait for my company.


After 2 Disaronno's and cokes, Mila was still stuck in traffic.
I wasn't a lightweight, it took a lot for me to get drunk, but i still felt that tingle you get from alcohol.

So i made my way downstairs. The atmosphere was completely different from the one i was sat in before. Upstairs was classy, sophisticated and very professional. Where as here, it was like any old night club, just more expensive looking. People crowded in the middle of the spacious room. Huddles of people on corners, half naked, grinding up against one another.
Fuck i need to get laid.

I went to the bar, this time the one in the club. I needed another glass of liquid courage.
The bartender noticed me and slid her way over to me, "Babe, what can i get for you?" she flashes me a smile and i flash one back.
"vodka shot please." i respond
"rough night?" she glances back, grabbing the vodka bottle.
"night hasn't even started yet, my friend is late. " i almost wince as i down the vodka and slam my shot back down on the bar top. I wish i didn't have to admit vodka had treated me nicely over the years, a coping mechanism for my mother.

I turn on my bar stool and face the crowd, rubbing up against everyone around them. I scanned the room looking for any potential one-night stands. Just to relieve my tension. That was until an unsolicited hand made its way onto my knee.

"You are gorgeous." the man said, blowing his disgusting whiskey breath towards my face.

"Fuck off." I yank his hand and move a few stools away. Before he has the chance to try again, I spot Mila heading down the stairs.

"CHARLIE!!!" She shoves people out of her way like she owns the place, i laugh at her eagerness to get to me. We hug eachother tightly and sway from side to side. The perv who tried it on with me a few minutes ago, still sat at the bar, staring at me.

"can you stop staring at my girlfriend please?" Mila asks cupping my ass.

I nestle my head into her neck trying not to laugh.

"I call bullshit." The man returns.

"You call this bullshit?" i state before grabbing Mila's chin and kissing her. I knead my hand into her hair slightly, not wanting to mess it it, she looked so pretty tonight. She was wearing a cream silk coloured dress, with small straps. Her hair straight and to her shoulders, slightly curled at the ends. Black strappy heels that made their way up her legs.
And a pop of colour with her choice of red lipstick. This better not smudge my fucking makeup.
I pull away from kissing Mila, wiping the corner of my mouth, winking at the strange man. He holds his hands up in surrender, giving us a dirty look in defeat.

"Never knew you swung that way hun." Mila jokes with me.
I giggle and grab her hand, dragging her to the dance floor. "Only for you asshole, what the fuck took you so long?!" I yell over the music.
"My taxi driver was being an ass! took the longest route here!" I rolled my eyes and grabbed her hips moving them in rhythm with mine. I turn around and start pushing my ass up against her lower abdomen. She puts her hands on my waist and slides them up grabbing my tits. "I'm gonna get a drink, d'you want anything?" I stand up straighter, kissing her cheek, "I'm fine, hurry up though i wanna dance!" i tell her.

The song "Gangsta" by Kehlani starts playing. I let the music and buzz of alcohol take over me. i run my hand up and down my body, slowly dropping down whilst swaying my hips, i throw my head back and close my eyes. Humming along to the lyrics. A pair of firm hands land on my waist. I take a quick look at the guy, fairly good looking. Blonde, blue eyes, skinny, fairly attractive. I let him be for the time being. ruffling his hair and smirking.

"What's your na-" i cut him off.
"just dance baby." i order.
I rub my behind against his front and smirk at the effect i have on this man. I look forward, still grinding against the blonde stranger. When my eyes fall upon him. He was sat amongst several other men, preoccupied with different women. However his eyes were on me. He had a glass of amber liquid in his left hand, legs spread, his body leaning backwards. He had his right hand underneath his chin, index finger sliding along his jawline. Light stubble scattered along it. His eyes burnt through my skull into the man stood behind me, hard as a brick, with his hands on my tits.
I smirked at the man sat across from me, sending him a kiss, proceeding to turn around and kiss on the blondes neck. It didn't mean anything to me, but i felt as if i had something to prove to the mystery hunk.
I angled our bodies so i could glance at Mr anonymous. His hand grasped his glass firmly, he threw the rest of his drink, what i'm guessing is
whiskey, down his throat.
His adam's apple bopped and a strand of hair fell infront of his face. He had dark brown hair, slightly curled, fluffy but you could tell he's been running his hands through it all day. From what i could observe, where i was stood, he had dark brown eyes - to match his hair. And was definitely tall.
I bit the blondes earlobe teasingly, testing the mans reaction. Not the blonde's. The sexy brunette. He clenched his jaw and say forward, like he was warning me to stop.

But did i?


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