Chapter 2

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The voices enticed him more as he padded into the forest Rusty! What are you doing?! He asked himself as the voices disappeared he looked around, the trees were taller than he ever imagined! Bushes was are pretty big aswell and were one of them rustling? He padded closer cautiously and curiously a small mouse went scampering from under him "Mouse!" His voice was barely breath as he charged after it he pounced clumsily and pinned the mouse he almost missed! The mouse squirmed under his paw.

He dug his teeth into its spine snapping it. He began to slowly eat the mouse that's the tastiest thing I've ever tasted! He thought wagging his tail, before he could finish the mouse he felt something slam onto his back! Claws dug into his back. He screeched scrambling onto all fours. He kicked out his hind legs and then his forelegs in a flurry of fury and panic. He collapsed onto the ground and rolled onto his back reveling his soft fluffy belly, he knew that was a bad idea but what could he do?! He churned his hindpaws into the things belly pushing it off. He stood up his hackles lifting as he finally saw his attacker. It was a young fluffy gray tom with a dark gray stripe that went down his back and bright yellow eyes.

He stared at the tom letting out a snarl and charging forward slamming into the gray cat pinning him down. Rusty raked the cat's muzzle the tom under him pushed Rusty off and sat up "Ow!" He spat rubbed his bloody snout. The tom's pelt went flat and his claws sheathed. "Great star clan you fight well! For a kitty pet that is" Rusty's pelt was still bristling wary of what this cat was capable of. "I mean just wow! I always heard; they were weak and incapable of battle but look at you! Fighting as if you were another Apprentice!" He continued his yellow gaze bright. Rusty let his pelt flatten but kept his Claes unheated.

"Weak? Incapable?" Rusty Snarled at the thought of it. "Oh I'm not saying your weak and incapable! Y'know maybe I should stop talking before I get another wound on my muzzle" Rusty purred in amusement. "So umm your a forest cat right?" Rusty asked tilting his head. "Of course! I'm a ThunderClan cat to be exact" Purred the forest cat his voice proud and excited. "Okay.. what's it like being a thunder cat or whatever it's called" He asked tilting his head. "Oh well it's amazing! We get to catch prey! And learn to fight and-" before he could finish a golden tom emerged. "Graypaw? Who's this?" Asked the lion like tom.

Graypaw whipped around his yellow gaze wide with suprise. "Lionheart I was just umm chasing this kittypet off our territory!" Lied Graypaw his yellow eyes wide. Rusty looked at Graypaw and then Lionheart "We were watching you y'know" meowed a blue gray she-cat emerging behind Lionheart. Her pelt glittered in the moonlight Graypaw immediately bowed his head in pure respect. Rusty did the same not knowing why.

"Hello kitty pet my name is Bluestar leader of ThunderClan"

A leap into the wild (a warriors fan fiction rewriteUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum