Chapter 2: From The Fireplace

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The soft moment of greeting between cousins was quickly interrupted by the loud and impressively shriek of Ann Dursley. Harry jumped in surprised, and looked around Dudley to find Ann with her mouth hanging open, and arm outstretched, an accusatory finger pointed directly at him.
   Harry turned back to look at Dudley, who flushed red at his wife's dramatics. "You didn't properly prepare her did you?
   "Well how is one supposed to prepare for these things?" Dudley looked over his shoulder at his wife who had stopped shrieking, but was still lounging with her mouth hung open. He couldn't help but chuckle a little, she reminded him so much of his parents, and their first reaction to magic.
   Harry, gathering himself quickly, crossed the room to Ann who recoiled against her couch, and held out a hand. "Harry Potter," he introduced himself, "you must be Mrs. Dursley." Ann slowly but surly reached out a shaking hand and grasped his. "I'm so sorry about my entrance, if I had realized I would cause such a shock, I would have used the front door." He winked at Dudley, "I should know better anyways, I did grow up with Dudley you know."
   "Ann, this is my cousin Harry." Dudley unnecessarily introduced them again. "He's um, well.." there was no going around it now, "he's a wizard."
   "I'm sorry?" Ann sat up straight now, "come again?"
   "Well honey, he's a wizard. And I think that explains what's happening with Oliver..."
   "I don't understand." Ann looked more puzzled than ever, "Dudley, have you lost your mind? A wizard? Do you hear yourself?"
   Dudley looked shocked, "did you not just see this man come out of the fire?" He gestured wildly to the now empty fireplace. "What else could explain that?"
   "Trick of the eye." Ann said resolutely, "you got this man to play a trick on me. And a mighty good one at that." She threw her head back and let out a forced laugh.
   Dudley and Harry looked at each other, Dudley completely shocked at this conclusion his wife had drawn. Harry shrugged, "shall I show her more?" He asked, pulling out his wand.
   Ann eyed the wand, "yes please show me some more of your wizard magic with that fancy stick of yours!" She clapped her hands, "oh Dudley I don't think you have ever surprised me like this. We should get Oliver down to see!"
   "No, no!" Dudley covered her mouth just as she was about to call for Oliver. "Listen Ann, this is real life. Harry is a wizard, and I believe Oliver may be one two."
   Ann still showed a look of amusement on her face. "Well go on!" She jeered at Harry, "show us what else you can do."
   Harry cocked an eyebrow at Dudley. He flicked his wand and a stack of letters on the coffee table went flying into the air, circling twice, then stacked themselves neatly on the edge. Another flick of the wand, and Ann's antique rocking chair did a 360 and rocked violently by itself. A third flick of his wand, and flames erupted in the fireplace.
   He turned back to Ann, who's eyes were so wide he thought for a moment she might be hypnotized.
   "You see Mrs. Dursley, I am in fact a wizard. I know this must be overwhelming for you. I am happy to answer any question."
   "Well I just don't...I just don't believe it!"
   "Oh for heavens sake Ann!" Dudley erupted, grasping her by the shoulders, "did you just see that display?"
   Ann looked at her husband widely, "yes, I did Dudley. I did, but I just don't believe it."
   "Name an object in your house." Harry said, raising his wand. "I will bring it to you without moving.
   Ann gulped, "my locket, it's on the-" Harry held his hand out to stop her.
   "Accio locket." A moment later a tiny golden heart shaped wallet came zooming towards him from the side water closet. He held out his hand where it landed neatly, and handed it to Ann, who looked like she was about to pass out.
   "A tie for Dudley." She said, surprising Harry, he hadn't expected her to ask for more. By now he would have thought she would be kicking him out, pushing him back up the fireplace.
   "Accio tie." A green striped tie flew down the stairs, sohalting in front of Harry.
  "A cookbook."
  "Accio cookbook."
  "My fountain pen."
  "Accio fountain pen."
  "A couch cushion."
   "Ann!" Dudley spoke up again, "hasn't the man done enough? Do you expect him to sit here and unpack the entire house?"
   "I'm sorry." Ann said as a pink floral couch cushion floated gently into her arms, guided by Harry.     "You're right, I've seen enough." She hugged the cushion close to her body, "it's just a lot to take in."
   "I understand." Harry said sympathetically, tucking his wand away. "I didn't know our world existed either. My parents were wizards, but they died when I was a child. I grew up with Dudley as you know, and Vernon and Petunia." Speaking their names out loud, he quickly turned to Dudley wide eyed. "What on earth will you tell them? They won't be pleased knowing there's another wizard in the family!"
   Dudley ran a hand over his face, "you know cousin, I haven't even thought of that. I don't know what we are even going to do."
   "Well surely you will send him to Hogwarts won't you?" Dudley could see Harry was agitated at the idea that they may hold Oliver back from the wizarding world.
   "Hog-what?" They forgot Ann was still not caught up.
   "Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He should be getting his letter July 1st, like all the other students."
   "But how will we send him? I don't know where to get all of his-his, stuff." Dudley's face turned to panic.
   "Once Oliver is invited to Hogwarts, he will be assigned an aid. They will help him shop for his things and get to the train. They will also fill you in on just about everything."
   "Can you be his aid?" Dudley asked.
   "Sorry Dudley, I have to work. Busy times right now." Harry said, checking his watch and standing up.
   "Oh of course," Dudley was disappointed. "And what, er, what exactly do you do for work?"
   "I'm an auror." Harry said proudly, "I catch bad guys."
   "Bad guys?" Ann clasped her hand to her heart, "there are bad wizards?"
   "Just as there are bad people." Harry said pointedly.
   "Oh Dudley, I don't know if we should let Oliver go to this school. This doesn't sound safe."
   Harry knelt down to be eye level with Ann again. "Mrs. Dursley, Hogwarts is the most safe place in the world. If you don't allow Oliver to go, he will keep having outbursts of magic, and they will get worse and more dangerous, until the ministry decides they have to move him to a safe place in our world."
   "The ministry? The ministry are one of you?" Ann looked again like she was going to pass out.
   "We have our own Magical Ministry." Harry explained, "but the ministry is in contact with our minister. Well kept secret, is it not?" He winked at a bewildered Ann, and stepped towards the fireplace.
   "We'll Dudley," he held out his hand again, "it was great to catch up. I'm sure I will see you again." He took a gray powder from his pocket, and tossed it into the fire, stepping inside the blue flames.
   "The Burrow!" He shouted, and just like that, in one sickeningly quick turn, he was gone.

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