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Albedo had only recently moved to this town, a hub of sorts that had originated as a vast estate for some vigilant adeptus who protected the Wangshu Inn. Now, the town of Wangshu is more of a gathering place for all sorts of outsiders. Though the original inn is still around, the owner had built a newer, more modern one down the hill, one more accessible and easier for a town to build up surrounding it. Now, though the inn brings in a fantastic tourist district, it is sufficiently self-sustaining. The stories of the Vigilant Yaksha are nothing more than folktales now... So they say.

Albedo believed them to be nothing more than silly stories for scaring children, and even when he received a request to rebuild the historic Inn, thought nothing of it. He believed his science to be sufficient explanation for any 'magic' of old. Rebuilding a historic inn would require more than structural engineering and geotechnical experience though, so he recruited his friend Aether to assist with the more charismatic and muscle-bound aspect.

It did not take long for the two to arrive at Wangshu, as the halfway point between Mondtstadt and Liyue. Actually, it was precisely the close proximity to both that made it so popular in the past. Apparently, the whole area used to only be the inn, but much of the surrounding water had been filled and built upon. The creaking, teetering inn built up to the clouds had been apparently falling into disrepair as of late. Looking up at it from the north bridge, it was obvious why the place had gained such a following in it's past; even a bit broken down, it was magnificent.

"Uwahhh! It's huge! How did people build that high without a crane?" Aether had found a turn-off to park at, and sat on the window of the car door, shielded his face against the setting sun.

"Aether, they may have lived before hydraulic machinery, but they were no idiots. The original Wangshu Inn even had a fully-functioning elevator system, if I remember correctly." Albedo copied the momentous first view of the place into his sketchbook regardless. He had, of course, done extensive research on the inn he was meant to reconstruct, but that did not keep him from being just a bit impressed. "They even say there was a god-like protector who often stargazed from the roof and ate nothing but Almond Tofu. I believe that is why Almond Tofu remains a Wangshu specialty treat."

Hearing that, Aether's ears perked up and his eyes glistened. "We can try some, right? Right, Alby?" Whenever he did this, Albedo could swear he was more dog than human.

"Of course, once we settle in. I wish to survey the building first, to make an itemised list of repairs and materials. Then, we will select a suitably stable place to set our belongings. We will have to stay here, after all." Albedo glanced to the side to see Aether looking tired already. Pressing his lips together, Albedo reconsidered a bit. "However, we can do some sight-seeing afterward, since we'll need sustenance and groceries." Aether perked up again, swaying his head to swing that long braid of his. "Now, back in the car, it is time to get moving onward." Aether hopped back into the driver's seat to pull back onto the road leading in.


In the distance, someone else sensed their approach as well. "The winds of change seem to stir... I wonder how he will react to this." A man with a white ponytail smiled to himself, picking up his brush-tipped pen once more. "If nothing else, I am sure to find more stories on this wind." He mused.

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