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This chapter is more information, on Elijah's thoughts, her past, and "goal" so-say.

After 16 minutes, Malcolm came back out of the office and told Eli to set one meeting for this Wednesday—(struggled a bit spelling Wednesday ngl.) At 7:31, and another for next week Monday, 12:32 pm. Fixed his tie, and walked out the room.

"Okay..." Eli put down her phone and picked up the iPad, making two more dates.
Malcolm came back in and spoke "Label, the meeting 7:31, 'Oscar Pernet' and the 12:32 pm meeting, 'Fredrick Adore.' And left.

"Is it lunch yet? Please God, let it be lunch.." Eli checked the time, '10:05 am' clicking her tongue and exhaling, "Not even close." Eli went back to work.

12:14 pm. Eli was still working, and Malcolm hasn't come back yet. Her phone kept going off, it was different people, talking about the same thing, something about a "meeting" of some sort. Now, I say 'some sort' because they told Eli, to tell Malcolm to meet them in a motel and when Eli looked it up on Google Maps.

The place looked quite run down, which made Eli a bit concerned for her boss, and quite wary of them.

But Elijah let it go,.For now, that is.

Elijah was starving, and due to all her work she used to have, her focus would be on that, rather than her hunger.

But considering her new boss didn't have her do much besides set those meetings, Elijah had nothing to do.

Because of how much work her previous boss had her do, Elijah had gotten into the habit of doing extra work so she could have less to do the next day.

So, in this case. She had nothing to do, and was very much bored.

Sighing, Elijah took out a folder from the middle drawer of her desk and opened it.

The file was labeled ' Lavelle Preston King', her younger brother's name.

The reason their last names are different, is because they're half siblings, and are only related due to their dad.

When Elijah's dad was visiting her, he told her that she had a younger brother, and said she could meet him.

"Lavelle..." Elijah muttered.


Elijah was looking at the stuff the folders held.
You know things like an autopsy report, pictures of his body when they found him, the clothes he was wearing the day he died, the place he was at. And one piece of paper had notes.

Elijah made those notes herself, they were the people he knew, and were close too. After that we're the photos of them and their names on the back. The description of the person and what she knows and knew about them under their own name.

Elijah looked at all of that and more. The people there told her he died due to an asthma attack, but God knows just as much as Elijah, that wasn't the case whatsoever.

During those years, the station that informed her, and her mother about Lavelle, along with the hospital Lavelle stayed in. Weren't the nicest toward her brother.

Elijah had seen it with her own eyes at one point during a visit to see Lavelle in the hospital.

Maybe it's because her mother didn't see it, but she didn't say anything either.

When a lot of the times Lavelle was groaning and mumbling about his pain, they ignored him. Said, "The killers should be kicking in any second."

And when he did finally die, Elijah's mom demanded an autopsy report.

They denied her and their reasoning was, "because you're not his biological parent, therefore you cannot sign the paper."

Where the hell was his father?

Who the hell knows.

Elijah knew how Lavelle died, she was the one who had found him. Just came back from school.

But, what she didn't know, was who done it, who helped, and why they did it.

Now putting those people behind bars wouldn't do jack—no, it wouldn't satisfy Elijah.

Seeing their faces on the news would, but knowing they're alive wouldn't.

So, she's been...training, exercising- whatever you wanna call it.

But, even though she does want revenge, all of that it is just baby steps, and patience is the key.

Elijah just needs to unlock a few doors and secrets, and with no hesitation, she'll kill them all... slowly, but surely.

That's a promise she made.
Not to her brother, but to herself.

Elijah's hand caressed the picture of her and her brother. It was a picture of her younger self holding baby Lavelle.

Elijah chuckled softly looking at the white-pale baby in her arms, her young self smiled up at the camera. Six long pigtails decorated with light-hot pink and purple hairballs. One front tooth gone, while the other was growing back.

She was such a lonely child. Sure she had Markus, but when Lavelle arrived.

She was so, so happy.


Her alarm went off, 1:47pm she had some minutes left to eat lunch, but no time to go get it and come back. Biting her lip, Elijah pushed her eyes back with her finger, preventing herself from shedding a tear.

Grabbing her phone, she ordered her lunch instead, and dug straight into it once it arrived.


I know this seems boring and stuff, and maybe slightly all over the place, but I need to give information before like jumping into action ya know?

2:39 pm, 1/18/22 just a bit of editing.

I really like writing this story, because I can use my iPad, and lay down instead of sitting at the table for hours and hours, like Raiden and another story I haven't published yet👀.

P.S (I can tell you this, that other story already has 6 chapters.)

Elijah & Malcolm: No More SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now