Chapter Ten

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Chapter dedicated to Thatgayswitchlol for being the motivator I needed to keep updating this book and all around being a sweetheart :) 

"Well, no..." Draco rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm not opposed to learning, though. Harry just taught me how to ride- well, kind of. The basics. He said that was it, but I'm assuming there's a lot more to it then tugs and kicks."

Hermione shrugged, tossing him a large brush. "When you been riding as long as we have, everything becomes automatic. C'mere."

Draco took tentative steps forward, walking up to the girl, who dropped a comb in his hand. "Here. Brush Betsy's mane- Betsy is this one here. Brush it like you'd brush anybody else's hair."

Draco took a few hesitant steps towards the horse. It was giant, and the beady dark eyes staring him down didn't help.

"Take into consideration I don't have long hair," Draco spoke up, testily resting a hand on the horse's shoulder. Holy shit that was muscular.

"Hold a section just above the bottom, brush what's underneath your hand and move up. Then one final brush top down. If you find any sticks or other stuff just pull 'em out."

Draco blinked at her, pursing his lips. "Uh..."

Hermione chuckled lightly, moving around the back of the horse to Draco's side. "It's not that hard. You just don't want to tug any knots or she'll bite, so here." Hermione grabbed a section of the horses hair. "Copy me."

Draco copied her actions as directed, brushing from the bottom up and making sure that he didn't tug on it from her scalp.

"Oh, I get it. The hand will redirect the pressure from her... Neck... to the bit being hold taut, right?"


It was oddly therapeutic, brushing the horse's mane- he went through it meticulously but efficiently as possible, and when he was finished he felt proud of how silky it looked, running his fingers through it. "Done!"

Hermione nodded, smilingly lightly. "Good job. Now, I already did the tail but I'll tell you how it's done anyways. It's the same process, but you really gotta be careful or they'll kick, and you can tell how much that would hurt, right?"

Draco flinched, holding his ribs. "Yeah, I can imagine."

"In order to get behind a horse, you just gotta make sure they know you're there. Like this." Draco watched as Hermione demonstrated, keeping one hand on the horse as she moved towards the back, cooing softly. "Good girl- Yes, you're a good girl aintcha?" She looked back to Draco, scratching the horse over it's back legs lovingly. "The same applies for any horse or animal, really, so it's quite simple. Now, we gotta clean their hooves. This is the only difficult part, so I'll have you watch me a few times before trying, alright? It also varies from horse to horse."

Draco watched avidly, genuinely interested in the process. Getting the horse to lift it's hoof, knowing where to take the pick, learning the different parts of the hooves and where to trim and how to tell healthy from unhealthy, it was all very interesting to him.

"Y'know, most men would've walked off when I told them to brush the mane. You're still here. Why's that?"

Draco shrugged, frowning. "I think it's fascinating, honestly. Then again, when you've lived the life I have, anything is interesting comparatively. Plus, risking your organs and ribs for an animal isn't exactly a woman's job where I'm from."

Hermione chuckled softly, putting the horse's hoof down. "I understand that I suppose. So, tell me, what do women do where you're from?"

Draco frowned. "Well, typically sold off for marriage, connections, power. Once that happens, you just... maintain the house, do chores, raise kids. And the men... Well, they just hire people to do this for them. We're all paper-pushers."

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