Chapter three

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She worked on her homework while feeling the hot tea glide trough her throat. It was math homework she was working on. Math homework always took so long to finish that she started day dreaming after thirty minutes. Looking out of the window imagining she is the gold bird flying away to its dream destination. 

She thought. 

I am ghost something I can see but others do not. A thousand years would pass and nobody would accept me. Love me. Try me. 

The Thirst she has for love right now is killing her slowely. It feels like being torturted to death by a serial killer. The pain that brings her to the most horror moments of this shatterd life. This life that is ruined by peoples mind thinking its okay to look at you and spitt disgusting words at you every time you made a movent. She doesn't want to be under the surface. 

This is Hell 

She woke up from her day dreams. She decided to walk through the woods close by her house because she couldn't stand seeing the math questions anymore. 

When she arrived at her fav spot in the woods she saw an unexpected visitor sitting under the tree where she normally cries hers self nearly to death. 

Who is this person? 

A soul who isn't acceptedWhere stories live. Discover now