pain and suffering

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Trump secretly did want to marry putin but he was too self conscious about his "baby carrot" and he is scared thay putin will suddenly not love him anymore.
He went to a sewer drain and saw Pennywise the Dancing Clown.
"You want baby carrot enlargement pills?" Pennywise asked the gay president.
"Ye give me that shit" Tantrum said.

(BTW I'm in a waffle house. Doesn't have anything to do with the story but I just wanted to say that I'm writing this story in a waffle house hehe)

Turnip ate 3,000 prescription bottles of baby carrot pills and before he knew it his big hoomongos dawng was a whopping 3 inches long.
"Omg Poopin is gonna love me!!"
Trump shot pennywise in the knee.
"Oh fuck, my elbow!" Pennywise shouted as blood sprayed everywhere, even on Trump.
Trump did a little kawaii sugoi giggle and pranced away.


Putin was in his office scratching his ass when suddenly, Trump cannonballs through his window and landed on his desk, making a pancake noise.
Putin was shook. "Holy shit I'm so shook" he said
"Wanna d8?" Trunp said with gay sugoi kawaii cute 😍 eyes.
"No" putin said, "I have found another man, his name is Kim jong kun"
Kim Jong kun kicks open the door and cries
"Yeah bitch I stole yo man haha die"
Timmy cried waterfalls, "BYT I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME POOPIN!??!?!?!?!? GIVE HIM BACK U BUKLY"
"no" Kim said and pulled down his pants to reveal his .05 incher GAWD DAYUM
Trumps jaw dropped, "NO WAY!! AFTER ALL THE PILLS I ATE!!"
Kim laughed like a maniac on drugs and steroids, "LETS GO POOTN'"
"Goodbye trunmp." Said putin and Kim and putin made out and Trump was so sad he almost fucking died.

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