Thunder Storm Cuddles

12 1 1


Info-You have the reflexes of a fox and the ears and tail of a fox.

You and Todoroki have been dating for 5 months so he has never seen how you react to thunder... until now. Class 1-A's dorms have lost power because of the Thunder that you hear echoing outside.

All of Class 1-A are in the common room so that Iida can check if you are all there, When he got to your name everyone heard a small "Here..." from under the table. Then there was a big bang of thunder and a scream. Todoroki's Fight or Flight mode came on and gently pulled you out of your hiding place and pulled you to his chest and mutters comforting words to you.

He realises it isn't helping so he scratches your flattened ears and quickly excuses you both much to Iida's displeasure.

He picks you up bridle style and takes you to his room. When he gets there he immediately puts his favourite hoodie on you and wraps you in his arms and sets you his chest so you can fall asleep to his relaxing heartbeat.

Right that's the end of this story I'm sorry if it's bad but this is my first one-shot

Class 1-A OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora