Chapter 12

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Zoe's POV-

The party was very crowded. There were all sorts of people everywhere, drinking, smoking, making out, in one small space. The speakers, blocking out any other sound, filled the room with music. There wasn't much lighting, making it hard to move around without hitting somebody or being shoved about.

I was standing in a corner by myself, Luke and Jess ditched me, waiting for Michael to meet me like he said he would. I checked my phone to see if he had texted me, there was nothing. I glanced around, checking he wasn't in the crowd looking for me, but with the dimness of the light it was impossible to see anything.

When I had suggested the party to Ashton he seemed to take no interest in it and said "I would rather not stand in the middle of a room, surrounded by drunk assholes." And that was it. I was disappointed but it didn't bother me too much.

After standing around for a while, avoiding people because of my bad social skills, I grabbed myself a drink.

10 drinks later, everything started to turn blurry, the last thing I remember is a pair of hands wrapping around me and a familiar voice whispering in my ear.

Ashton's POV-

I was still unsure why I had decided to come to the party. On the walk here, that was quite a long walk, I had to keep stopping myself from chickening out and turning around.

I knew I had reached the right house when I heard music booming out of it and people making out in the front garden.

The party itself was a hot sweaty mess. Bottles and cans were scattered all over the floor. There were small piles of sick, which I did my best to avoid, everywhere. The speakers were deafening. There were people everywhere. If this wasn't hell, I don't know what is.

I made my way through the crowd, looking for Zoe. People kept giving me dirty looks, started swearing at me as I pushed past them, I didn't let it bother me though.

And then I saw it. At first my eyes couldn't quite adjust to the sight but when they focused I knew for sure.

And that's when my world came crashing down on me.

A/n - This chapter is so short sorry.

Okay so I haven't updated in like forever and I can't tell you how sorry I am, if you are reading this thank you for being patient.
I really don't know if I'm going to carry on with this though, so if you really want me to carry on with this, please comment and vote on this. Thank you for reading. :))

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