The Art of 3rd Wheeling

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the creative juices are flowing again :D

enjoy a super short story about 3rd wheel sapnap

remember to eat something and get some sleep


When it came to 3rd wheeling, Sapnap was a professional. The streamer had two friends, Dream and George. They were all very good friends, but Dream and George always had this sort of... connection...

Sapnap knew that it was love, but the other two didn't, and that was what drove Sapnap crazy. Every single minute of every single day he had to deal with his two best friends being helplessly in love. The problem was that they refused to admit that they had love for each other. So Sapnap had to deal with not only two idiots in love, but two oblivious idiots in love.

Sure, Sapnap loved his best friends, but sometimes they got on his nerves so much that he just wanted to drag the both of them into a room, shout "YOUR IN LOVE", and leave. A lot of times when he was around his best friends, he felt like he just melted into the background and didn't exist until one of them noticed that he was still there. He knew he was a 3rd wheel when it came to Dream and George, so he made the best of it...

He took every chance he could to tease his friends about their chemistry. Whenever he felt left out while his friends were flirting, he would cough very loudly as to indicate that he was still there, in fact. Whenever the tension would get high between the two, he didn't hesitate to add in "So are you gonna kiss or what?". Of course, it was all fun and games for Dream and George, but Sapnap knew. He knew that it wasn't fun and games anymore. He knew that they were really in love. That's why he always teases them. If he didn't, then the two would probably stay oblivious forever. He makes fun of their chemistry because he wants to give them the last little push so that one day they might finally stop being oblivious idiots and can finally keep Sapnap's mind at ease.

That doesn't mean that it wasn't still annoying though. No matter how hard he tried to hint, his friends still brushed it off as one big joke. He still tried though because he had hope. He had hope that one day his friends would finally realize what has been going on between the two since they all met...

Sapnap was pulled out of his thoughts by a crisp voice coming through his headphones.

"Sapnap? You still there?"

"Oh, yea I'm still here Dream. I just zoned out for a bit. You need something?"

"Yes actually. I wanted to tell you something..."

"Ok... what is it?"

There was a pause before Dream finally responded.

"I think I'm in love with George..."

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