The Man Pt. 1

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Thai  Dejean's Pov

(Thai is played by my baby Tamela of course!😌^)

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(Thai is played by my baby Tamela of course!😌^)

Today, I have a job interview at Neveaux International. The CEO is looking for a new PA. He only hires men for this position, but I have a plan that has a 75 percent chance of working. That is if he's not gay or happily married. From what I can tell though, Kairo Neveaux is single.

I make sure that I'm showing enough cleavage before walking into the office. I walk in and sit in the chair in front of the desk.

He turns around, and I'm shocked to see that it's a woman.

He turns around, and I'm shocked to see that it's a woman

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( Kairo is of course played by my baby Karen!😌^)

"You were expecting a man," she spoke.

"I-," I tried to apologize.

"It's okay I get that a lot and judging by your attire you were going to sleep with me if you had to," she continued.

"Ma'am I'm so sorry," I said, starting to button my top back up.

"No need for that. You're not the first young lady to do this. My name isn't exactly a feminine one, and I don't show my face in the media. Therefore, people assume that I'm a man. These young girls come into my office dressed like you. Displaying their perky breasts and wearing a tight skirt ready to bend over so that the 'man' that runs this company can ogle her fat ass. Then once she realizes that this 'man' finds her attractive she offers to do whatever dirty sexual thing he has in mind in order to get the job," she explained.

"Now did I get it all right," she asked.

"Yes ma-," I started to answer.

"Call me sir. Since you came here for a man, I might as well give you what you were expecting," she interrupted.

"Y-yes sir," I answered quietly.

"Stand up, and let me look at you," she commanded. I do as she says.

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