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As I walked down the golden roads of Athenica, I worriedly played with the hem of my shirt. My wings were pinned to my back in fright. They shone a light yellow glow. It stood for fear. Earlier this morning, Amines, our ruler, called me to his palace. I knew this couldn't have be good. Last week I had been with a human down on Earth. His name was Ashton. He was like a brother. It was nice to be around him because I lost my brother Tiberius last year. Oh how rude of me! My name is Angelica. I am a fairy. I can do anything you could amagine! I could control water, fire, earth, I could heal, hurt, destroy, anything! Back to the story. Us fairies aren't supposed to talk to humans. I though nobody saw me so I went down and met him. But they were watching. I knew it. I got to Amines' palace and walked through the huge gates. After being lectured about how this was the last straw and that he was done with my games, he banished me from Athenica. I fell from the clouds down to Earth, where maybe, just maye, I would meet Ashton again.

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