The Beginning of Dennel

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“The act I’m going to send home is.. Jennel”

I felt completely broken inside. I put my heart and soul into everything throughout this competition but it all came crashing down in a matter of seconds. As the clip came on to show my journey on The X Factor, all I could think about was the amazing friendships I had made with the other contestants and with my mentor, Demi. I then felt Demi clutch my arm. She hugged me and told me it was going to be alright and that I have a future in this industry. I told her that I was so sorry for letting her down. That was when she broke down too and turned away to wipe away her tears. Demi then told me I should never speak like that because she was so incredibly proud of me. She then told me to meet her in her dressing room when the show ended.

So here I am, sitting on the couch in Demi’s dressing room, waiting for her. After 5 minutes, the door opened and in came Demi. She closed and locked the door after her. “Oh, Jennel, I hate seeing you like this. Never blame yourself, okay? You’re so talented and special”, Demi said quietly. By this stage, both her and my eyes were tearing up again. Staring into Demi’s eyes, I cracked a tiny smile and said, “You don’t understand how much I’m going to miss you Demi.” Demi smiled and pulled in for a hug. I then felt her left hand move my hair away from my right ear, she moved her head a little sideways so her lips were by my ear and whispered “YOU don’t understand how much I’ll miss YOU my girl” This sent complete shivers down my spine which caused me to giggle. Demi pulled out of the hug and stared in my eyes, smiled and then winked. My heart started to race. I just sat there, staring at my mentor and swallowed hard.

When it was time to head back to the mansion to start packing my bags for my flight back to Massachusetts the next day, I could hardly say a decent goodbye to Demi. It was  because we had to say goodbye in front of all the other contestants but  the main reason why it wasn’t a decent goodbye, was probably because of all the feelings I was feeling. It felt as if I was falling for Demi. But I’m straight and always have been; I’ve only ever crushed on guys not girls. But Demi, she was different. I’ve never felt this way before towards another girl.

When I arrived back at the mansion, I headed upstairs to my room straightaway and threw myself on my bed. I lay there silently thinking but then a vibration from my phone interrupted my thoughts. I clicked to see who it was from. “Demi Lovato” my phone read.

Demi –  “Hey Jennel its Demi. I can’t get you out of my head. How are you?”

Holy cow. Demi just texted ME and said she can’t get ME out of HER head. No, she’s just being caring towards me. She definitely does not feel the same way.

Jennel – “Hey Demi. Ah I’m alright I guess. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. I appreciate it more than words can explain (: “

One minute hadn’t even passed and my phone was already vibrating again.

Demi – “You’re going to make me start crying again! I know we couldn’t say bye properly. Are you tired?”

Jennel – “I’m more bored than tired haha are you?”

Demi – “Okay great! I’ll be there in 10! I’ll let you know when I’m there. Xx”

Wait, what!? Demi Lovato is coming to fetch Jennel-Nobody-Garcia. Just as I began to get my head around what was going on, I got another text from Demi.

 Demi – “I’m here! Come outside!”

According to my phone, 12 minutes had passed! Crap!

Jennel - “Coming!”

The Beginning of DennelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora