Chapter Four

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(8:00 p.m., Friday)
Peter’s POV

“Don’t forget your paper!”  y/n calls from where she’s sitting as I’m popping us some popcorn for our movie.

“I’ll look at it right now,”  I call back, pulling my slip of paper out of my pocket.  I catch myself hoping that it would be y/n, but I shove the hope down before it has the chance to become any brighter.  I unfold the paper, holding my breath and squeezing my eyes shut for a second.  When I open them again, the biggest smile spreads across my face.  The paper has y/n’s name on it.  I’m her secret santa.  Maybe now it's a bigger deal than what I was playing it off as...

“Did you look at it?”  Y/n’s voice breaks me out of my happy daze and I look up to see her looking at me from the couch, her eyebrows raised.

I nod, hardly able to contain my smile as I shove the paper back into my pocket and take the popcorn out of the microwave.  “Yes, I did.”  I smile as much as I want now since my back is turned to her and she can’t see my face.

“Alright.”  I hear the rustling of the couch, indicating that she’s now turned back towards the TV.

I grab the big bowl of popcorn and take a silent deep breath, trying to make my face look neutral as I walk over and set the popcorn down on the table.

(Y/n’s POV)

I watch Peter as he sets down the bowl of popcorn on the table.  He turns to me, his eyes instantly going to where my legs are in the way of him sitting.

“Y/n,”  he says, crossing his arms and smiling down at me while I smirk playfully back up at him.  “You need to move out of the way if you want to watch a movie.”

“No.”  I laugh a little, stretching out further to make it a point that I’m not moving.

“If you don’t,”  Peter threatens, pointing down at me.  “I’ll have to lay on you.”

“Do it,”  I challenge, feeling a smirk pull wider at the corners of my mouth.

Peter returns my smirk, dropping his arms to his sides.  “Okay,”  he says, accepting my challenge.  “You asked for it.”  And with that, he climbs over top of me, laying down and getting comfortable rather quickly.

I laugh softly, wrapping my arms around his neck and playing with his soft brown hair.  “Is this supposed to be a punishment?”

“Mmmmhm…”  Peter has his eyes closed, and he’s smiling.

“This doesn’t feel like a punishment,”  I state, turning on the TV while my free hand continues to tangle itself up in Peter’s hair.

“Nope,”  Peter agrees, pushing up with both of his arms on either side of me to sit up a little, causing my arms to slip from around his neck.  “Am I suffocating you?”

I smile and shake my head, reaching up to pull him back down.

He lays his head against my shoulder, laughing.  “Okay, I guess we can stay like this for a little bit.  But not too long.  I don’t want to crush you.”

“As if you could crush me,”  I tease. 

I feel him frown against my shoulder.  “Excuse me?  Is that an insult regarding my size and height?”  I can’t tell if he’s pretending to be offended, or if this is a true offense he’s taking.

“No, Peter.  I’m joking.”  I clear my throat and then mutter, “Even if it’s true.”

“I can literally hear you!”

“Hear me what?”

“If you’re going to do that, we are not cuddling like this.  Not at all.”  He’s laughing as he gets up and off me, ignoring my protests.  “Sit up,”  he demands jokingly, grabbing my arms and pulling me up.

Secret Santa - Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now