Chapter Two: Gabriel and Natalie

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"I must say it is an honor to have a celebrity at HopeSprings High." My new princepal, Mrs. Williams said and grinned. Resisting the urge to roll my eyes, I just smilied and gave a giggle instead. Instead of going to a very well upscale Highschool like I wanted, Margo insisted I "keep it real" by attending a public school. "Real isn't a private school, Laila."she told me last night over the phone. In a fit of rage I threw my phone across the room, leaving it broken in eight different places. Which is fucked up. I had my sex tape of me and Ryan Gosling in there.

Notebook my ass. Eva Mended should hear the way he talks about her.

"Miss Sharpe?" Hearing my name being called snaps me out of my daydream and back to the task at hand. School.

"Hm? Yes, Yes ma'am? I'm so sorry I was up all night. I could barely contain my excitement for returning to school." I say with a larger than life grin as I repeated off my things its ok to talk about script. My management team put together.

"Oh how lovely. I don't think any other student would be pleased to return to school as you are Miss Sharpe." she says leading me down the hall to my locker.

"Well, traveling the world, living out of suitcases is not exactly a dream come true." That part is actually true. That was the one aspect if my job that I hated. Constantly packing and unpacking. "Its nice to be finally stable in one place and not having to up and move all the time. Its a dream." I remark as I spread my arms out like wings and give her my best giggle that I learned from Taylor. The look in her face proves she was eating this shit up like Fro Yo. I have her in the palm of my hand.

This shit was going to be a piece of cake.

"Great! Ok here is your locker. 218. Here's your lock. Your combination is written on the back. And--"

She was cut short when a guy comes running down the hall in gym shorts and a white tee when she stops him. " Gabriel Danveres. Care to tell me why you're not in class again?"

Gabriel was a fucking hottie. With his long brown hair tied up in a ponytail on the top of his head. He has a sleeve of tattoos that ran up and down his arm, when he grabbed his shirt to wipe his forward I caught a glimpse of more that decorated his chest. One is particular.

A butterfly.

"Well Mr. Danveres?"

"Coach has me running laps. For the drinking on campus fisaco you busted me on, Cecilia." He retorted putting his shirt down and flashing her a dimpled grin.

"That's Mrs. Williams to you."

"Oh I'm sorry. Its just that I'm in your room so much people are starting to talk. So why not give them something to talk about?" He says throwing an arm around her shoulder. Looking as if she were actually willing to take him up on his offer she brush off his arm and address me.

"Miss Sharpe. This is Gabriel"

"Danveres, yes I gathered. I'm Laila." I said sweetly. Appearances are everything I repeated. Appearances. As much as I wanted to hump him like some damn frofro dog. I had to maintain good appearances. Taking my hand in his , he flashes those dimples again.

"Laila. Yeah I know you. You're parents are beneficiaries to the school. I heard you were coming back to Oregon. Hollywood life got to be too much for you?" He joked while still holding my hand in his.

"Guess you can say that. I guess I need a little taste of normalcy."

Raising an eyebrow he nods. "Lemme know if I can help you with that. I'll see you around, Laila."

"You bet."

And with that he takes off running down the hall. "NO RUNNING MR. DANVERES!" Mrs. Williams screams but he is already gone. She continues on about my locker for five minutes before stopping and walking me back to the office for a map of the school. "Natalie, can you get me a map." She askes a young women with her back towards us.

"Right away Mrs. Williams." The young women, Natalie, retrieves the map and turns towards us. When her eyes hit mine. They lit up.

Oh shit. Not another fan.

"Lailia Sharpe." She mumbles. Her big brown eyes widen and her hand starts shaking as the extend to hand me the map. I take it and my fingers brush over hers making her gasp aloud.

"Um...thank you." I said. Wanting to get as far away from this uncomfortable situation I tell Mrs. Williams that I was sure I had everything situated and could take it from here on. She didn't seems ok with my newly found ready to fly attitude but she let me go. I smile a sense of relief as I bolted from the office hearing a huge Thud as I left.

I was sure "Natalie" had just fainted.

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