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Mr. Helsiner responded the way that most uppers respond to news of cheating lovers, thieving partners, or boosting housewives.

He started with denial. There were accusations that gutter scum like me were just a spiteful little men that attempted to ruin successful mens' lives. There was a moment where he raised his fist with the promise of a physical attack, but then he thought better of it.

After a few minutes of shaking his head no, screaming at me, and pacing his luxurious living room, he broke down in tears. His uncontrollable sobbing was my cue to leave, but he begged me to stay.

"Please, Kaiser. What do I do? How can I get her off the drugs?"

"Not my field, Mr. Helsiner. I just provide the information that you pay me for, nothing more and nothing less." I had to have this conversation more times that I could count.

"Will she always be hooked?" He said through falling tears. Seeing a grown man that couldn't stop crying, even long enough to get a sentence out, was pitiful.

I finally felt bad for him. The boost was wearing off.

I turned and left the sobbing husband to his thoughts and tried to not wonder what he might do to Monique Helsiner when she came home from her weekend bender.

I was downstairs in a flash, and the uppers that walked along the street sent dirty looks in my direction. If there was one thing that uppers hated, it was for gutter scum to be in their part of town.

If I didn't get a taxi soon, or get off the street, someone was sure to call the authorities and I wasn't sure that I could depend on Mr. Helsiner to give me the alibi I would require to avoid a night in lock up and departure train to a random location in the ghetto.

It became apparent that there weren't going to be any taxis on this part of town that would take the risk of picking up a fare from me.

I started walking quickly, avoiding a run to keep suspicion down.

Paige, did we get any appointment request last night?

I moved passed a group of younger adults, obviously drunk or high or both. They laughed and giggled as they staggered past me, pointing judging fingers at me.

As much as uppers hated gutter scum, I hated uppers. I really hated younger uppers.

We received one appointment request, Kaiser. Senator Hernandez has requested your presence, as soon as possible. Would you like for me to show you the videomail? She asked.

A senator wanted to see me. That was probably the most worrisome thing I'd ever heard Paige say.

Nobody from the slums ever wants to hear that a senator wants to see them.

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