The beginning

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                     Josh's POV:
I wake up and look at my clock, 6:30. Time to get ready for school. I get up and get dressed in the same outfit I wear every day. I grab my stuff and walk out the door, not even bothering to brush my hair. When I arrive at school, 5 minutes after the first bell rings, fashionably late of course, I look to my right and immediately my eyes fall on Dawson. He was talking to Dylan and they we're laughing. "Am I feeling... jealous?" I questioned myself. "Of course not! I don't have a crush on him!  Im not even gay!" He almost caught me staring but just before he could turn toward me someone called my name.
I looked at who had called my name and of course it was Ms. Leo. I rolled my eyes and went back to looking at Dawson.

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