My year

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Zed wakes up and remembers it's his first day of school he gets dressed and goes down stairs where his sister zoey and his dad is sat at the table "Morning zed" His dad says "Morning " zed said with excitement in his voice Zed eats his food and then heads outside to meet with his friends bonzo and Eliza all three of them have been best friends since they were 2 and have been friends since                                                                         

(Bucky's pov)
I woke up to my father screaming my name from down stairs so I got dressed into my green and pink cheer outfit and packed my bag and walked down stairs my mum told me that Addison had to join me and the aceys to get to school I got out the door and met with them and headed to school

(3rd person )
They all go to school and Addison told them the zombies would be in school and Bucky got worried because his pearents told him that a zombie tried to eat his grandads ear off. The zombies arrived at school and walked to the front where there was police officers where stood 

"Guys this is so amazing no more classes in a basment " minutes later they were led to a basment that's when zed's hope started to disappear

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