chapter 3.5

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a/n: this is a scrapped version of chapter 4 that the other author wrote, we're currently working on chapter 4 so it'll be out soon.

Emalf woke up the next morning in distraught after having a nightmare about the 2$ meal from McDundy's. "Boy was that traumatizing....." he walked out of the house and felt the sudden urge to go to the skate park."vro...... my spidey senses are going off and they're telling me that adauchi was thinking about me last night.........i thought he forgot i existed????" emalf thought to himself while listening to music with his iphone 4 and crappy earbuds that he has to move around to actually be able to hear his music. "You know what! Im done thinking about adauchi!!!!!!1!!!1!11! My life has been a living hell ever since i remembered him. Now ive gone insane thinking he remembered me too......." emalf declared in the middle of the skate park very loudly. He looked over to see some kids staring at him terrified. "Bruh" he left the skate park and started thinking about how he would finally get his mind off of aduachi. "I need a hobby." thats when he had a eureka moment. He walked past the PC store called "Cool Epic gamer PCs" "yo......IM GONNA BECOME A GAMER" emalf marched into the store. "I WANT TO BECOME A GAMER." emalf demanded the moment

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