Chapter 1

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Italic- means Shota narrating

Third POV

"My story begins in London. Not so very long ago, and yet so much has happened since then, that it seems more like an eternity. At that time. I lived with my pet in a bachelor flat, just off Regent's Park. It was a beautiful spring day, a tedious time of the year for bachelors."

A man, with yellow hair on the piano, plays a soft melody.

"Oh. That's my pet, Hizashi. Hizashi Yamada, a musician of sorts." A deep voice says. "No. No, I'm the one with the spots." 

A Dalmatian, laying on a couch with his head, looking out the window with a bored expression.

"My name's Shota, and you know, as far as I could see, the old notion that a bachelor's life was so glamorous and carefree was all nonsense. It was downright dull."  Shota stretched and gave a big yawn.

"It was plain to see that my old pet needed someone. But if it were left to Hizashi, we'd be bachelors forever. He was married to his work. Writing songs. Songs about romance, of all things, something he knew absolutely nothing about. Oh, he was intelligent enough, as humans go. And I think you could say that Hizashi is a rather handsome animal in his way. I could see no reason why my pet didn't deserve an attractive mate." 

Shota looked at a magazine with a woman in it.

"At least, I was determined to do my best. Of course, dogs are a pretty poor judge of human beauty" Shota sighs. "But I had a rough idea of what to look for."

Shota looks out the window at the other dogs walking by.

"Hmm. Unusual breed." He chuckled. "Very unusual." He looked at the dog. "Oh, surely not." Shota shakes his head.

"Well, now, what have we here?" A lady and her pug walk by. "Hmm. Well, a little too short-coupled. Nope."

"I say." A lady walks by with her poodle. "Oh, well I do say. Now, there's a fancy breed. Hmm. Perhaps a little too fancy. Yes. That's too fancy."

"Too old."

"Too young."

Shota sighs and lays his head on the window sill. "It was a problem. A real problem." 

He looks back and forth down the street. Then he sees someone.

"Well, now that's a bit more like it!" A Dalmatian walks by, with (h/c) spots and an (f/c) collar. "The most beautiful creature on four legs. Oh, now, if only the girl..." Shota looks at the Dalmatian's pet."Well! She's very lovely, too. It was almost too good to be true. I'd never find another pair like that, not if I looked for 100 years." 

Shota watched them turn the corner, then bolted up to the other window. "Ah, they're heading for the park. A perfect meeting place, if I only arrange it. Uh-oh. But Hizashi never stopped working till after 5:00." 

Shota looked at the clock that read 4:33.

"That would be too late." Shota looked at Hizashi, who was playing notes for his song. Shota moved the clock's hands to 5:14. Then he barked at his pet, Hizashi stopped his playing and looked back at Shota, who was sitting by the door, his leash in his mouth.

Hizashi yawns and looks at his watch. "After 5:00 already?" Hizashi grumbles then puts his watch to his ear. "Fancy that."

Shota keeps barking at the door.

"All right, Shota. All right boy."

Shota keeps barking and whining at the door. He grabs Hizashi's hat and brings it to him. The yellow-haired man puts the black leash on Shota. Then opens the door and starts lighting his pipe, but is pulled out of his house.

Shota frantically looked back and forth for the beautiful dog and her pet.

"Shota, boy, take it easy!" Hiashi told his dog. "What's all the hurry?" Shota comes to a stop by barking. It was just that pug that he saw earlier. And keeps walking. "Shota, boy slow down." They turn left, then right, and cross over a bridge. Shota looks at the weird breed and her pet painting.

"At first I was afraid we'd missed them, perhaps they passed on by the park. Then suddenly, I spotted them." 

Shota finds them under a tree, the pet sitting on the bench and the dog was gracefully sitting by her pet. 

"It was a perfect situation if I planned it right. I couldn't depend on Hizashi. I knew what he'd do. He'd settle on the grass, puff his pipe and that would be it. No, it was all up to me."  Shota gulped. 

Shota gracefully walked by the two, head held high. The (h/c) spotted dog opened her (e/c) eyes and watched the other dog walk by. The dog turned her head and saw the pair sitting under a tree, next to the pond. Shota turned his head at the dog and saw her whip her head back forward.

"At first I had no particular plan, just anything to attract attention. You know, stir things up a bit." 

Shota grabbed Hizashi's hat and ran off. Hizashi turned and saw his dog in a downward position.

"Shota, you silly old thing! Come on, let's have it, boy. Shota!" Hizashi exclaimed. The other dog's pet eyed the two, and the dog herself was watching in amusement. Shota shook the hat in his mouth and looked at the two girls.

"Shota!" Hizashi was watching his dog jump over to the beautiful girl and her dog, and drop his hat on the bench they were sitting on.

"For a while, it seemed to work. At least they had seen one another. Things were going along first-rate. But for some strange reason they left!" 

Shota looked at the bench and just saw his pet's hat. Shota went to go after them, but Hizashi tackled him down.

"Come on, you old renegade. We're going home." Hizashi told Shota.

"But I wasn't giving up. I was determined that, somehow, they just had to meet." 

Shota pulled Hizashi up to the girls and ran around the legs of the girl, his leash making the pets look at each other.



"I beg your pardon. I'm so sorry. Please excuse me." Hizashi said to the women. The (h/c) spotted dog tried to stop them from falling in the pond, by pulling on the lady's jacket. But the jacket ripped and they fell in the water with Shota with them. They both coughed up water.

"Oh, my new spring suit and my new hat!" the woman exclaimed looking around for her hat, Shota spotted her hat and picked it up.

"I'm sorry." Hizashi apologized and picked her up out of the water. "Please let me help you. I'm so sorry. Shota, you...." He ripped the hat out of Shota's mouth. "I don't know what's come over him."

The female dog stomps past Shota and shakes her fur clean. They hear laughs coming from their pets from the incident, Shota looks at the dog and she's smiling at him. Shota looks between his pet and the dog and smiles back.


"Will thou love her, comfort her, honor keep her in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her so as ye both shall live?" The priest asked as the two humans were getting married.

"I will," Hizashi vowed.

Shota and Y/n stared with love at each other and put their noses together. 

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