Chapter Six

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Stu made sure you had no clue where the two of you were going, and you werent fully sure you should trust him.

you looked out the window and saw a sign that said "exiting town limits" and slightly panicked.

"Stu? why are we exiting town limits??" you asked him, a hint of worry in your voice.

"i want to take you somewhere, its my favorite place ever but its in the next town over" he replied, putting a hand on your shoulder to comfort you.

as you arrived at the place, you realized it was an ice cream shop.

"aww, you hopeless romantic. an ice cream shop for our first date? so cheesy!" you mocked him, giving him a hug.

the two of you walked inside, and you mumbled to yourself, "omfg i want to live here" upon realising that this shop had a bunch of antiques as well.

he laughed and walked to the counter to order ice cream for the two of you.

"can i get a mint chocolate chip ice cream cone, and a vanilla cone with sprinkles?" he asked the girl working.

she smiled seductively at him and quickly got to making the ice cream.

you wanted to strangle her.

"how much will that be?" Stu asked, pulling out his wallet.

"oh no, its on me sir!" she batted her eyes at him, handing him the ice cream.

as he walked over to find a table, you flipped her off.

as Stu found a table, you both sat down- you across from him.

"you uh- you have something on your face baby" he laughed, eating his ice cream.

"oh really? what? where?" you asked, feeling around your face.

"its called jealousy, and its all over" he laughed more.

"ITS NOT MY FAULT SHES FLIRTING WITH MY MAN" you replied, faking being angry.

. . . .

you werent faking.

you were fucking mad.

"its okay, really. girls flirt with me all the time. i wonder what they would do or say if they knew i mainly only liked men." he said, staring into space.

as the two of you finished your ice cream, the girl walked over to you with a note.

"h-hey i just wanted to um- to give this to you-" she stuttered as she handed Stu the note, which clearly had her number on it.

okay BECKY lets pack it up and stop flirting with my bae ✋🙄

Stu took the note and ripped it in front of her, standing up and grabbing your hand.

"take a hint, i have a partner." he said as he began walking out of the shop, still holding your hand.

you flipped the girl off one last time as you exited the building.

as you and Stu were driving home, it was awkwardly silent.

"(y/n), why do you hurt yourself?" he asked out of the blue.

"uh- w- what-?" you stuttered over your words, surprised he found out.

"im not that oblivious. i notice things about you. its not like im going to ask you to stop, because i know how that feels. i just want to know why, is all." he looked over at you, cupping your chin in his hand.

"because, life is shit. sometimes i want to end my life, but cant bring myself to do it. instead i hurt myself. it helps release my anger and stress and sadness and it makes it seem like i can actually feel things." you choked back tears, looking away.

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