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There was a lot of movement in the corridor, Yan Xiashen opened a crack in the door and looked out.

Three zombie players appeared in the corridor one after another. The human players, like Yan Xiashen, blocked their bodies with doors and observed them secretly.

The human player Walnut sat paralyzed in the middle of the corridor with his back against the wall, trembling all over, as if he was frightened. Through Walnut's body, Yan Xiashen saw the soul of the senior.

The senior just got on the player's body and didn't kill the player completely, so the player's vital signs were normal, but he just turned into a puppet at his mercy.

The body of the big-eyed zombie has been turned into a missing person notice, lying on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Yan Xiashen had already roughly guessed what happened in the corridor - not long after the senior left his room, he was caught by Walnut and took Walnut's body immediately.

"Where's the ghost?" The Sharp-Eared Zombie finished asking, and when he found the missing person notice, his pupils instantly widened, "The missing person notice has a photo with big eyes!"

All eyes focused on the missing person notice.

Zombie A Zi gritted his teeth, and his eyes flashed fiercely, "Big eye was killed by a ghost?!" The

zombie leader looked solemnly, looking at "Walnut", "You said, what happened?"

"Walnut" lifted up With red eyes, he pointed to the notice of finding someone, and said timidly: "I...I went out to find water to drink, and when I saw him being dragged by a ghost, I was very scared...The first reaction was to scream. The ghost was going to catch me... He ran away after hearing the sound of the door, and he became like this." The

senior narrated this incident from the perspective of a real walnut, which sounded very believable.

Yan Xia deeply praised the senior in his heart, and observed and learned by the way.

"Damn!" The pointed-eared zombie clenched his fists, "Did you see what that ghost looks like?"

"The ghost has no legs, and his upper body is floating in the air. When he turned around, I didn't see it very well, but it felt familiar. ," rubbing his face heavily, "Walnut" suddenly raised his head, "I remembered, I saw that face in the missing person notice!"

Yan Xiashen walked out of the corridor and approached them, "Which notice?" The

other human players also came out when they saw that there were no ghosts in the corridor. The lights are on, and the long and narrow corridor is slightly crowded.

"Walnut" said excitedly: "It's the one on the phone!"

A Zi said: "It's the missing person notice again, it seems that the ghost has been lurking in the phone! Could it be because the big eye smashed the phone, so Being targeted?"

"This possibility is not ruled out." The zombie leader reached out to "Walnut", "Get up."

"Walnut" avoided his hand and prepared to stand up against the wall, "Thanks, I can stand up by myself. "

I'll help you." The zombie talk leader took a tough attitude, grabbed his wrist and picked him up, but didn't let go.

"Walnut"'s wrist was pinched red, and he earned it, "I'm a little scared... If there's nothing else, I want to go back to the room to rest."

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