The Fall Of His Most Loyal Soldiers

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A/N: Yes, I'm really publishing a different story while I've still got an on-going oneshot collection that I've supposed to have already updated. Don't judge me. Anyways, hope you enjoy this!

December 1981

Bellatrix Lestrange had lost her mind. Not like she really ever had it these days, but she really lost it.

Lord Voldemort had fallen because of Lily Potter's sacrifice to protect her baby son, Harry James Potter. James and Lily Potter both lost their lives that night, but they were glad to die if it meant their son would live and have a chance at life.

Bellatrix couldn't accept it. She refused to accept the defeat and fall of her Master. It would not do for her. She thought perhaps their little spy, Peter Pettigrew, or Wormtail as he was referred to, gave them false information. Information that caused the deaths of the Potters and allowed them to capture the Dark Lord.

But she couldn't get to Pettigrew. Her disowned cousin, Sirius, seemed to have dealt with the little rat and ended up thrown in Azkaban for it. Bellatrix saw it as two less people she'd have to deal with.

Bellatrix knew if she wanted to find out about her Master's whereabouts, she'd have to get one of the higher up Aurors. She picked Frank and Alice Longbottom. It seemed rather ironic, since the prophecy was believed to apply to either Harry Potter or Neville Longbottom. The Longbottoms probably thought they were in the clear now. When in reality, they were far from it.

Bellatrix had been planning this ever since November. She'd strike when dear old Frank was alone and unsuspecting. She didn't care to get Alice though.

She had been watching Frank from afar. He was headed towards the woods, perhaps going for an evening walk.

'Perfect,' Bellatrix thought to herself. 'I'll get him now. I won't miss my chance. I'll get him and get the Dark Lord back.'

The dark dressed Bellatrix started walking towards the woods to follow Frank. They were going deeper and deeper into the woods. Which was perfect for Bellatrix, it meant Frank wouldn't be able to run back to his home to get away. She'd have him trapped there.

Frank must've heard her footsteps as he turned around and said, "Hello? Is anybody there?"

Bellatrix pulled her wand out and laughed.

"Who's there?" Frank asked once again.

Bellatrix stepped forward and came out of her hiding spot.

"Hello Frank." Bellatrix said, slightly taunting him.

"Bellatrix Lestrange." Frank said, grabbing his wand.

"Expelliarmus!" Bellatrix quickly casted the spell to disarm Frank.

She stepped closer. "You won't be needing that wand. I just want to talk."

A darkly dressed man with a cloak appeared next to Bellatrix. Rodolphus Lestrange, Bellatrix's husband, was just as insane as his wife. They made the perfect pair when it came to torturing people.

"Rabastan and Barty are here too." Rodolphus said.

"Good. They can keep an eye out for Alice. When she comes looking for her husband, they can bring her to where we'll be." Bellatrix smiled.

"No! Leave Alice alone!" Frank pleaded.

Bellatrix and Rodolphus laughed.

"If you play nice, then we'll consider sparing her." Rodolphus said.

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