Phone Call

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Backstory: The girl who's represented in bold loved music. For high school, she went to a private music school where she would be able to develop her singing voice and her guitar skills. Her old best friend from middle school, the girl represented in Italic, went to a regular high school. The young musician tried to stay in contact with her best friend. Over many incidents, both of them fell apart. Now, the young musician has just given a school interview that was posted across all social media platforms.


"What the hell?!" She asked.

"What's wrong now?"

"Why the hell did you do that?! Do you know what that's going to do to me?!"

"Why did you call?"

"I'm asking you why you did that! Don't you think about me and about what you did?! You only cared about that stupid interview, making yourself the victim!"

The other girl sighed, wishing to throw her phone out the window. Anything to stop hearing the other girl.

"Answer me!"

She took a deep breath. Calm down, she thought. She doesn't know what she did, it's not her fault, she repeated inside her head.

"Are you really that selfish?!"

"Selfish?!" Surprisingly, that was her breaking point. "You've ruined my life so easily and I've never said a word! Now that I tell them about one time you ignored me I've ruined your reputation! What about everything you did to me?!"

"I didn't do anything to you!"

"You've ruined me! What you told me that day ruined me!"

"What the hell are you even talking about?!"

"Amazing, now you don't remember! Sure, you've gotten over everything so quickly!"

"Make yourself clear for once in your life!"

"You told me you loved me, don't you remember?! You said you loved me and that you hadn't said anything because you didn't want to ruin our friendship!"

"You rejected me anyway! What's your point?!"

"Let me refresh your memory! Today, one month ago, you told me you still loved me! You told me you had tried to forget but still loved me!"

"Are we really going to talk about this?! I don't want to remember everything you did to me!"

"I felt like shit! I had saved you just an year before and now I was going to be your destruction! I asked you out because-"

"Because you felt bad for me! You felt pity for me!"

"Because I actually wanted us to work!"

"Then why did you call me that day?!"

"I never did. If you remembered you would know I had told weird things were happening to my phone. I never called you."

"That doesn't matter! I still heard you talking shit about me to your friends! Friends you flirted with! With a friend you wanted to kiss!"

"They were helping me with my insecurities!"

"And why did a kiss have to part of that help?!"

"I never wanted to kiss her! That was just a stupid joke I made that day!"

"You still talked shit about me!"

"I was insecure! Just a few weeks earlier you had told me about a boy who liked you! You said he was nice and they you were thinking about giving him a chance! I was telling them about that!"

"You said that I actually had it in me to cheat on you!"

"I said that we were too far away! We were in a long distance relationship, I thought that if you ever cheated I wouldn't know!"

"So what?! We lasted two days! I was faithful during those 48 hours!

"And a week later you have a boyfriend!"

"We weren't a thing anymore!"

"It had only been a fucking week! It's like you didn't care anymore! Where did that eternal love go?!"

"You have her anyway, don't you?!"


"The girl you wanted to kiss! I know you are in love with her! I knew it since you first introduced her to me!"

The girl laughed sarcastically. "I am not in love with her! Where did you get that from?!"

"The way you described her, the way you stared at her! You wanted her to be your girlfriend, not me!"

"So you got over me so quickly because you assumed I had someone else?"

"It's pretty obvious you cheated on me with her!"

"She has a boyfriend, for gods sake!"

"I bet she'd be more than willing to cheat on him! I saw her intentions on her face!"

"Don't you fucking dare to talk about her like that! You're the one whose eternal love ended in a week! You're the one who wouldn't listen to me!"

"Oh, so I'm the bad guy now?"

"Yeah. Goodbye, bug."

"I told you not to call me that anymore!"

She hanged up. It mentally hurt her to call the other girl bug. It had been her special nickname for her. Back when she thought everything could work between them. Back when they didn't have any problems between them.

Back when she was stupid and thought life would actually be easy.


Wow, 848 words

I'm proud of myself

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