Part 14- Possessive Marinette

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Marinette was really about to lose it. She put up with a lot of things where Lila was concerned, but this, this was crossing a line. Everyone was in the park near her house, doing a 'team building' exercise Miss Bustier had suggested to make them all closer. Being that it was a Saturday, Adrien was the only one not allowed to come due to a photoshoot. Their 'team building' had turned into a small party instead now that the sun was starting to set. Marinette was sitting alone on the bench off to the side, trying to drown out the drabble of lies spilling from Lila's mouth.

Lila's sickly sweet voice turned Marinette's stomach as everyone hung on her every word, "It's really okay you guys. I really do understand. It's not easy for my Kitten to hide his feelings, but Ladybug is in charge. What she says goes."

Alya was patting Lila's arm, saying it a little worried, "I never imagined that Ladybug would go that far."

Max added it lightly, "When you think about it though, Ladybug has always been more concerned with keeping their identities a secret."

Mylene said it with a small frown, "Yeah, but I always figured it was to keep her and Chat Noir safe."

Alya instantly nodded, "Exactly, not because she was jealous of Chat falling in love with Lila!"

Marinette rolled her eyes to herself, thinking it hard, 'There's nothing to be jealous about. Chat's not in love with Lila.'

Lila shook her head, "I thought she was my friend, but when she forbade Chat from being with me, I knew that show she put on in front of everyone was just an act. She will never return his feelings, but she doesn't want anyone else to have him either." A crocodile tear fell from Lila's eye, "My poor Kitten, I hate that she has so much influence on him."

Rose hugged Lila tightly, "Don't worry Lila, we know the truth!"

"Yeah girl, Ladybug will come around eventually." Alya said, sounding unsure.

Lila smiled weakly, "Thank you guys. You are the best." She looked around quickly, lowering her voice, "I know I can trust you guys not to let this get out," she started smiling, "but Chat Noir decided last week that he was tired of listening to Ladybug. He'll work with her to stop the akuma's because he loves Paris and its people, but he's done listening to her where I'm concerned."

Marinette felt the angry heat rush to her face as the words left Lila's mouth, "Unofficially, Chat Noir is MY Kitten. Not Ladybug's."

"You just don't know when to stop do you!?" Marinette said angrily, standing from the bench, "You don't even know him! He's not the kind of person who would be so easily impressed with all of your blatant lies! Suggesting that he's YOUR anything is completely outrageous!"

Lila let the tears fall easily, "What would I have to gain by lying about this? No one outside of our class can know!" Lila took a small step towards her, eyes shining in triumph despite the hurt in her voice, "It's not like you've ever even had a conversation with him. You really shouldn't be trying so hard to act like you know him. Enough people do that as it is."

Marinette huffed, "I've had plenty of conversations with him, more than you have without a doubt. I probably know him better than anyone because..." the comment died in her throat.

It had only been a couple of weeks, and she hadn't told anyone. She wasn't planning on telling anyone. It wasn't for her sake, it was for his. It was the only way to keep him safe, otherwise she would have screamed to the world how happy she was. How happy her Kitty made her the night they really kissed for the first time.

Lila pressed her, "Because?"

Marinette sat down, feeling defeated as she looked away, "It doesn't matter. It's not like anyone will believe me anyways."

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