Do You Need Ventilation for a Hot Tub in Edmond?

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If you are looking for or hot tubs in Edmond, you need to consider where you are going to install one. While many people prefer to keep them outdoors, there are advantages to having them indoors. If you choose to have a hot tub indoors, there are a few things you need to know about, such as the ventilation.

Ventilating Hot Tubs OKC

When you purchase a , remember that you need it to be well ventilated to protect from fumes and moisture damage.

Assuming your spa is uncovered, it will steam the room up like a washroom. Utilizing green sheetrock or divider board, as you would find used in a restroom, is the best game-plan. It would also be best if you installed concrete dividers, glass, fenced-in areas, or other water-safe drywall made for bathrooms and kitchens. Add a vapor barrier under the wall covering to forestall decay of studs, wood, and joists.

Ventilation Fan

Very much like a restroom, the room that contains the hot tub will get significant degrees of dampness, which will require a ventilation fan.

It ought to be as silent as possible so you can relax in peace. This vent fan is utilized to eliminate moistness from the space to prevent mold and rot. A restroom fan is not strong enough for this purpose.

An HVAC project worker can assist you in finding a quiet, powerful, rust-proof fan, which is the best option. You can choose a ceiling, window mount, or external wall fan. Many fans incorporate a timer, humidistat, and thermostat.

Temperature and Humidity Control

The indoor space ought to have its own temperature control to prevent moisture build-up. EPA prescribes indoor moistness levels not to surpass 60%, so consult an HVAC professional.

Keeping the hot tub covered when not in use will assist with limiting the vanishing of water. A dehumidifier is a must to eliminate dampness.


An Ozonator or UV system and mineral will diminish the levels of chlorine or bromine sanitizer necessary to keep the water clean. Always try to decrease possible chloramines, bromamines, or other exhaust. Use an appropriate HVAC framework alongside a dehumidifier and exhaust fan. Again, consult an HVAC specialist to keep your air clean.

If you have any questions about hot tubs in Edmond, pleasethe team at Bullfrog Spas

OKC to find the perfect hot tub near i-35. We would be happy to help.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2022 ⏰

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