Chapter 1: New Heros

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Long time ago ability users and humans lived happily together. King Liam and the guardian of the elements we great friends. But one day well king Liam was reading, he found the book of elements and they're power.

King Liam got greedy and wanted all the power to himself. So he send the best of the best to destroy all ability users and get the four most powerful elements.

Fire: fire burns anything in it's path and can cause great damage, like wildfires or burning building and even corrupt lava. But can also keep us warm in the freezing cold weathers.

Air, air can cause serious damage like tornado, and can end up badly. But air can also give life to hundreds of people, because we need oxygen to the breathe.

Water: water is every useful in our daily lifes but if it gets in the wrong hands, there could be floods and tsunami which can end so many lives in one second.

Earth: earth is something we need or else life wouldn't be the same, we wouldn't be able to grow plants or fruits and it would be a bad thing. Earth also has the power of destruction, which can cause to earthquake, over growing plants like vines which can destroy homes and many more.

Where was Warr between the two, but at the end king Liam won. Every since that day all ability users that were found were sentence to life.

When King Liam went after the guardian of elements, the guardian set the four elements free. And legends has it the four elements are still looking for an trustworthy owner.

" Wow do you expect us to believe that junk? I mean come on it's just a legend, and we all know that legends are false."

Jordan says annoyingly. I turn to face him because I was not having it today. For some reason Jordan doesn't like things like Legends and magic, he thinks it's all a bunch of nonsense.

" Why don't you just shut up Jordan, it's not like you know anything airhead! And plus you are interrupting Mr Jones's class!"

I say. Jordan is the bully of the school he's annoying and the worst part is that he's a player. If you're new be prepared to be played. I'm not going to lie when I first came to the school I thought he was a nice guy but no he was the opposite of nice.

I also once fall for his charm and had a huge crush on him, like who didn't all the girls were all over him. And I didn't want to be like that, so every time I saw him I acted like didn't care.

And overtime I really didn't care about him and I start to distance myself from him. Which was a good idea and since then on we never liked each other even though we were both popular.

" Okay class is over do some research on the legand and bring a 5 paper assignment, okay class?"

The teacher says, the whole class goes quite not wanting to do it. I get my bag and wait for Jordan to pass me because my best friend Stella sadly sat behind him. Jordan walked pass me and head straight to his friends.

Stella catched up with me and we walked to my house. I didn't live for away so I told my mom not to bring me a driver. We reached my house and the the scanner scanned me and the gate opened .

We headed inside and my mom was eating lunch she turned to us and smiled, it's her way of saying " hello" when she's eating. We went up to my room and start studying, a bit later I grab some snacks.

We continued to study and after about two hours we called it a day, then started playing video games and then we ate dinner and I dropped off my friend. And the my driver dropped me off home I went straight to bed, and then wake up the next day.

I wake up and got ready for school. When I got to school I went looking for my best friend Stella. I found her near the school library, we walked to class together. After about ten minutes classes start.

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