Intro :D

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Hey! I'm not sure if anyone would ever be interested in this so feel free to just not read it if you wish but I saw some people create a diary type of thing on here and I thought it could be beneficial to me as I often lack the motivation to pick up a pen and write.

In this, if I continue to write it haha, it'll hopefully just be like a normal diary. About my day, how I'm doing and things that are going on in life ect.

One thing that I do want to say is that I do suffer from multiple mental illnesses so whilst I'd never write anything that is intentionally triggering, I just wanted to put a warning here in case you don't want to hear about it!

Also, if you are struggling, please know that there is support out there that you are SO worthy + deserving of! Please don't wait until you're at crisis point to ask for help, you deserve support!

Helplines for anyone who may need them:
Samaritans: 116 123

Shout: 85258 (text the word 'shout' to this number)

Mind: call - 0300 123 3393 or text - 86463

Calm: 0800 58 58 58

NHS: 111 or 999 if your or someone you knows life is in danger!

Lifeline: 0808 808 2121

It's okay not to be okay! You matter, stay alive <3

- alannah 🔅

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