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Name : Aisaka

Nicknames : Ai,

Age : 18

Gender: Female and She uses she/her pronouns

sexuality: bisexual, she does not really have any preference


When you first meet Aisaka, she comes across as a quiet girl who is very nervous and keeps to herself, but when she gets closer to people, she comes out of her shell, she becomes a lot more talkative and she gets a lot more energy with the people she is comfortable around, if shes comfortable with someone she will often ask them for help with things. Aisaka may seem sweet from the outside but if someone says something she doesn't agree with or hurt someone that she cares about, she will definitely go off on the said person, usually by screaming at them but if they really made her mad, she may even start a fight.


Aisaka has long brown hair, which reaches about waist length, it has red tints in it. She also has a fringe. She has some facial piercing which are a bridge piercing (which if she's wearing her glasses, it will cover it) a septum piercing and a nostril piercing. She also has a bunch of piercings on her ears and she also has her tongue piercing, a belly button piercing..and her nipples pierced.  She has freckles across her nose and cheeks, she has dimples when she smiles. She has heterochomia, her left eye is brown and her right eye is blue.

She would normally wear her black mini skirt, with grey thigh high socks which have lace, a white school shirt with a red ribbon on it , and a grey cardigan over it. She carries a green messenger bag.
[ If she is wearing something else, i will say in the RP]

Crush: Makoto Naegi

Family: she does not remember them or their names, but she had an abusive mum and father, and she had an older brother who is currently deceased

Ultimate: Hobbyist

Likes: she likes cute things such as pastel colours and sanrio things and plushies, but she also really likes dark colours and alternative things. She also really likes fashion and clothes, manga

dislikes : Bullies and crime.

backstory : Aisakas best friend since she was 4 years old, was Makoto Naegi, they had always gone to the same school and being in the same clubs and they had similar interests, Aisaka was always around at Makotos house, so Makotos family knew her very well.

But one day, Aisakas parents had suddenly abandoned her, with no where to go, she showed up at Makotos houses door step, and Mrs.Naegi let her stay there, until something happened with Aisakas case, but nothing did

Friends : Komaru Naegi, Mondo, Kiyotaka, Leon, Kyoko. she is basically friends with everyone in her class.

Other Info :

Best Friend: probably Komaru or Makoto.

Health : Aisaka has a few health issues and Some other diagnosable things

She has a few mental Health problems such as Anxiety, Depression, Paranoia and Body Dysmorphia disorder. She also has struggled in the past with a few EDS. She also suffers with Panic attacks

She has a few health conditions such as Anemia and Asthma.

This really isn't health related but she has heterochomia and has synestesia

She also struggles with random pain and addictions

talents : she is very good at makeup and cosplay even tho she does not cosplay much, Aisaka loves to learn new skills so she is a top student in hopes peak, she also likes to learn Art, cooking, sewing and first aid. She also loves to play instruments she can play the ukulele, piano and electric giatur . She is very creative and loves photography and calligraphy

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