Prisoner CB2-127

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7 hours before the attack

In the year 2157, humanity fortified earth for an unknown threat. Well, unknown to most of humanity. All this was about to change when Prisoner CB2-127 finally woke up. "⎍☌⊑⊑ ⍙⊑⟒⍀⟒ ⏃⋔ ⟟?" Prisoner CB2-127 said groggily. "NO TALKING," an unknown voice shouted. A sudden shock went up to his spine. The alien groaned in pain. As his senses came back, CB2-127 took in his surroundings. He was in the blandest cell in history, and Randy has been in many cells over his 22,000-year lifespan. There was nothing in the cell at all. No toilet or bed. It was just an empty room made of concrete. Randy. Randy Ritmore. The Drex'eit's name felt foreign to him.

There was a clock outside the red ray shield of his cell. It displayed 14:48 Earth Standard Time. Ritmore had researched before heading to the planet. He had gotten caught by one of the ships patrolling the ray shield barrier that leads to the surface, but that was all part of the plan. It was either get caught or fly the Tyra-41 straight into the thrusters in the Pacific ocean to knock down the shield. The thrusters of the earth allowed the planet to move wherever the world leaders wanted to. The massive mess of metal was also home to the ray shield generators. Damage to the thrusters would leave Earth floating through cold space unprotected or blow a hole in it.

The research had been directly uploaded to Randy's brain, kind of like in The Matrix. He had seen that move, along with every Earth movie and show ever made in an instant. There was a beep. The mystery man had opened a small portion of the ray shield, just big enough to fit a small plastic tray that held my dinner. I opened my mouth and ate the horrible tasting brown mush and even the tray. The Drex'eit finally got a good look at the man, who was now scowling in disgust. Randy smiled evilly matched his buzz cut and brown hair. Then his green eyes and scar, along with uniform and light brown skin.

The man screamed in horror.

"WHAT THE @#&^@*?" The metal band on his wrist started to glow red as it burnt his skin for cussing. No one would know what word he said. The bands make sure of that, by killing the violator and blocking out the word. Only the rich can get them removed. Randy listened to the beautiful screams of his victim. He made sure not to waste any time though. He concentrated hard to connect to his inner self. Ritmore's entire body began to glow bright red as tons of armed soldiers in full battle suits that looked like they were from Halo, rushed in and around his cell like gnats in the summer. So, this is a silent alarm, Randy thought.

"PRISONER CB-127, STAND DOWN, OR WE'LL SHOOT!" The commander shouted.

"Geez does everyone on this planet have to shout," he muttered in Earth Basic. Randy could tell that even under their helmets, the soldiers were shocked that he spoke their language. He grinned evilly. That was the last thing they were ever going to see. The air got hotter, and somehow the soldiers were able to bear it. There were some things even his planet, Drexium, didn't know. But that didn't matter. Ritmore converted back to his true form. He was invisible to the naked eye now. Only a microscope could see him.

In Earth Sector 176-A, everyone looked to the sky as a massive mushroom cloud starting from the middle of the ocean slowly swallowed the sector like it was savoring a bag of chips. People ran in every direction attempting to escape the explosion, but none came out alive. The massive earthquake affecting the entire world made the citizens of Earth Sector 176-A fall in every direction. It didn't help that they were on an island and a massive tsunami was heading in their direction at the same time this was all happening. Soon there was nothing left but a massive crater.

Randy stood in the massive hole unscathed, in his new form that looked like a humanoid rat. Next to him was the Tyra-14, untouched. He punched the code into the keypad next to the boarding ramp. 74498202791. It was the longest code ever, but security was a priority. Randy walked through the small Tryra Class Shuttle to the cockpit. He flipped a switch, and the ship came to life, buttons lighting up red and yellow. He pressed the one button that lit bright green, and another keypad popped up.

"Ughhhh, seriously," he groaned in Vaxeil. The Vaxium Empire was in control of Drexium. The Drexium was founded by the empire. Vaxium left most of its planets alone, but occasionally popped their head in to maintain control of their planets, and make sure the Trexial empire haven't caused any problems. Everyone was taught from the young age of 2,000, that the Trexiests were evil and ruthless. Randy slammed his fist onto the green button, and an antenna popped out on the top of the hull. He then typed a message in Vaxiel onto the keypad hologram that just popped up. Earth is down. Send the armada. He slammed his fist down onto the send transmission button. A green bar appeared on the hologram that read 5% complete.

"Good," Randy said to himself, stretching out the word,"now I just wait."
His celebration was not long, as EPF, Earth Protection Force, soldiers had surrounded his ship.

"You guys really love me don't you," he said loudly in Earth Basic over the shuttle's exterior intercom. Once again, the soldiers were shocked that Randy spoke their language. He pressed a button to his left, and an Exterior Canon X-34, top of the line, popped out of a panel on the top of the fly-shaped ship. The soldiers, now alarmed, opened fire on the Tyra-14, but the shields absorbed the bolts. The soldiers now attempted to run but were mowed down by the X-34. The few that were left that were not mowed down by the gun attempted to run to the transport that got them to the bottom of the massive crater. When Randy saw that he simply fired one laser shot at it and it blew up. Several soldiers realized that Earth was screwed either way and sat on the ground awaiting their deaths.

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