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(Why does it say I worked on it two years ago? I last updated in '09)


Today's the big day, the day where I take my tests to determine the rest of my life. I swiftly put my black hair into a tight bun. As I trudge to the test I think of everything that could go wrong. I'm Raven and I live in the water factor. I gather and deliver water. Some people can control it a little. Some people were rumored to have powers to control there element fully. I think they were executed. I don't know if I have the powers since I haven't took the test yet , there are 5 factors. Water,earth, fire, ice. The fifth is unknown and banned. Every year when a child turns 14 they take a sample of your blood. That's all I know about it so far. There's obviously more to it but they wont tell us. I finally arrive at the testing area. People dressed in black outfits shuffled around calling names for testing. Creepy I thought.

"Raven Larence" said a guard. I walked into the room. A guy in a black suit with a helmet pushed me to a chair. "Sit" He said robotically. I sat down. He took a needle and pricked my figure. He collected my blood in a dropper. "What's your name again?" He said "Raven Larence" I said, he grimaced when I said my name. Weird I thought. "Tomorrow at the factor choosing festival, we will call your name and get this vial, He said gesturing. I got up and walked toward the exit. He grabbed my shoulder, I froze in fear.

"What?" I said

"Raven here." He said dropping a heart shaped locket im my hand. "Don't tell anyone." He said. "Um okay" I replied I realized that the locket was able top open and close. I was about to open it but he stopped me. "Open it only when you get to your factor after the testing." I nodded. Who would give someone a necklace who they never met? and why did he make that face about my name? Thoughts swirled around my head like a tornado. What if something goes wrong? What if they execute me like they did to others. As I walked home, I took a shortcut through the forest. The forest is forbidden to the water factor but I don't care. My father before he went to another factor showed me this forest and taught me how to hunt. A small piece of snow drifted by. The forest is always freezing but I like that. As I trudged through the snow on my way home the locket burned in my pocket. What was that all about? I thought. The locket seemed to burn in my pocket begging for attention. At home my mother greeted me and gave me a warm cup of cocoa. I didn't talk much. AT night I had a dream about the festival tomorrow. I was thrown out to survive on my own because of the locket. I woke up and realized I was shaking. I put my hand in my pocket to check for the locket. Yep it was still there. The next day I wore my one and only dress my mother had bought me for the festival. It was suppose to be a happy occasion back than but its different now. I put the hear shaped locket on and went down to break feast. I didn't eat much though. I put my hair in a ponytail. I examined myself in the mirror, i had a skinny figure with tan skin like my father and a long nose like my moms. Freckles were splattered across my face and my intense silver eyes glared back at me. I didn't look like I belonged in the water factor. The people in my factor were lean and pale with blond hair. There eyes were sky blue. My mother called my name and I walked downstairs. I rode a bus to the festival and sat with my friend Sarah. We said nothing to each other on the ride there. When we arrived guards took turns calling in people one by one. I chewed on my hair as I waited. Finally they called my name I looked to see if I recognized the guard and I gasped.

It was the boy who gave me the locket. I don't know why I was so shocked. I walked into the festival room and in the middle there was five fires. They were all different colors, one was blue, one was green, one was bright red, one was ice blue and one was black. They all represented a factor. "Okay the fires are a special fire made to extinguish if you belong to the factor. We well be dropping your blood from yesterday in each of them to see which one well extinguish. I realized there was a nasty looking sword on the wall and I winced. I wiped my sweat off my hands nervously. " I wonder if they ever used that.... I trudge to get the vial, He begins dropping blood droplets into the flames....

*Update: I started writing this a long time ago so i decided to post, i know its not the best... thanks :)*

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2015 ⏰

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