His Last Words ~ Niall Horan Love story

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The rain came pouring down from the sky, pelting against windows as thunder rumbles in the sky angrily; a bright flash of lightening, brightening up the sky for a mere second. I jump taken a back as my green eyes begin to turn glossy with tears, as they sit on the brim of my eyelids, attempting to slide down my wet cheeks.

My small three inch heels clacking against the stone pavement, as I use my right hand to pull my brown leather jacket in closer to me; as my other hand connects with his firm one. My heart, thumping heavily against my rib cage; allowing the palms of my hands to get sweaty. My stomach fixing itself in a bundle of nervous knots. This could possibly be it.

It was all over the news. Broad-casted every day, over the radio, and plastered all over news papers.

'The Storm which will have no survivors.'

Nobody believed, they believed it was a rumor. Rumours are always a fifty fifty chance of being true, but this rumour nobody believed. Everybody thought it was another 'The world will end in 2012'. The world didn't end; this is why everybody brushed this off. Most of the headlines repeated themselves, never giving us enough information about the storm, or it's effects, or if it is true.

'This Storm will be the worst one to hit'

'News Today; This storm expects no survivors.'

'This day, five weeks from now, The Storm will hit, this storm will be the worst we will ever have, The President is having homes from across the country evacuated into shelters. We will keep you updated.'

My eyes close tightly, as another clash of thunder, echos through the grey clouded sky. My eyelids slowly flutter open, wishing that it was all just a dream; but I was wrong. The grey clouds, swirling quickly almost looking as if it was forming a tornado. The rain; pouring heavily down from the heavens, like heavens angels tears, slipping from the dark shaded clouds.

I look up to him sadly, seeing his blue eyes fill with worry. His blue, blue eyes which I love so much; filled with worry and concern. He tilted his head downwards, his eyes meeting mine; and the frown which once sat on his pink lips; was quickly replaced with a small smile. I weakly smile up to him, as my  curled locks of hair quickly getting drenched by the heavy droplets of rain.

''We'll be okay. I promise. I won't let anything happen to us.'' He whispered, his Irish accent thick as it runs through my ear, a shiver running down my spine from his hot breath, trickling down my neck. I squeeze his hand tighter, gazing up to him, giving a small smile, knowing that when he promises, he never breaks his promise.

I tighten my already tight grip around his hand, as a flame of white covers the gloomy, misty sky. The moon which appears every night is nowhere to be seen. There was only three sounds which could be heard. The vicious, roaring of thunder. The unsteady, uneven, hammer pace of my heart. The ear-piercing, spine chilling, scream from the wind; which blows roughly.

My heart raced like a ticking bomb, as my legs ached; running down the wet, slippery pavement. Puddles splashing and forming. I pushed myself to keep going, my mind racing with last thoughts; the tears which I've been holding back; begin to race down my cheeks quickly. A small scared gasp; escapes my lips as my feet stumble over in a crack, engraved on the pathway, causing me to lunge forward, only not to hit the ground; but a muscled arm wrapping its self around my waist; and preventing me from my falling.

His Last Words ~ Niall Horan Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now