}Don't know what to call this{

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The Teacher called me and the most beautiful boy in class Lan Wangji she told us that we were going to be study buddies until the school exams ended we agreed to meet at my house for our first study session the next day we went to my house and set up a study area and started "So what are you having trouble with?" Wangji: I'm having a bit of trouble with this subject I nod and open my notebook and explain it to him a week later me and Wangji started hanging out outside of Studying 

3rd person

Wangji had made this request for Wu-Xian to be his study partner and didn't want to study with anyone else Wangji had always had a crush on Wu-Xian ever since he walked into the classroom Wu-Xian's Sister and brother knew this secret and kept it for Wangji They were supportive of the both of them and they would smile whenever they saw Their brother and Wangji hang out and study together Wangji planned to confess to him the next study session and the next week it was time 

Wangji walked in fiddling with his fingers he never took his eyes off of the beautiful man sitting next to him Wu-Xian noticed this and called for him making Wangji blush Wangji looked over at the older 


"Wei ying" Wei: Hm yes Lan Zhan? "I-i like Y-you" it made Wei ying gasp but he smiled at me and kisses me and pulls me into a warm hug We hear squeals from outside of Wei ying's room I blushed knowing it was his two siblings Jiang Wanyin and Jiang Yanli Wei ying stood up and walked over to the door revealing the two siblings I rub the back of my neck and Wei ying Scooped me up in his arms and kisses me 

I blush and playfully hit his chest he Chuckles and puts me down and hugs me from behind I am happy with our result we have a child together who is currently in high school Lan Sizhui  he's 16 and we are planning on adopting another boy Wen Kexing he's only 5 years old  Wei ying: Lan Zhan Please come and Snuggle with me~ I close my notebook and climb into bed next to him and we watch  movie  

The next couple of weeks we went to visit Kexing and today we get to take him home after signing all of the paperwork we help him pack his things and get into the car and drive home on the way he said we look like a couple who once saved him from being killed and the same night I had dreams about a little boy who looked like Kexing and he was almost killed but someone beside me saved him and returned to be Wei ying 

Wei ying winked at me and went to fight Kexing's attacker Then I woke up and Wei ying woke up as well gasping as if he had just been in a knife fight and won he turns to me with a smile Wei ying: We saved him again "Again?" he nods Kexing runs into our room with a smile on his face he hugs us tightly and runs back into his bedroom we go back to sleep 

Little did we know that was only the beginning of those dreams kexing was taken away from us and given a drink that made him forget all about us he became a Demonic leader but this time me and Wei ying couldn't save him only Sizhui Could The next morning Sizhui sat at the table and told us of his adventures Kexing also told us of a family he had his husband's name was Zhou Zishu his son's name was Chengling and The man he didn't really like his name was Ye Bai yi it made us laugh 

it's funny how we all are from a different time and we are just finding out this info from dreams how much can we learn from dreams?...

{hopefully you have enjoyed this sorry it's so short I have been really busy these days 694 Words Bye~}

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