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Madison felt sad. All that she could feel was down as she thought over cal and how it was over.

Madison knew it was her fault for not trusting him and she hated it, madison sat scrolling through her phone and sighed as Esmè walked into the room and looked to her sister and smiled

"are you okay" Esmè asked as Madison shock her head

"no I feel so alone and I hate it, I am to blame for this. All I can think of is how I messed it up and all I have to do is think if I trusted him it wouldn't be like this" madison said as she started to cry as Esmè got into bed next to her and smiled as she pulled her close and smiled

"I know its hard, I do but you are not alone, I am here and you have the baby, I know its hard with cal but you have to think of the baby and put her first, you are having a baby and she is what matters" Esmè said as Madison placed a hand on her bump and smiled

"I know it just how I didn't plan having a baby, my baby daddy hating me"

"cal is an idiot But he doesn't hate you I promise" Esmè said pulling her sister into a hug

Madison got to work and stood in the Ed, she was trying to take Esmè advice and put her baby first.

Madison frowned as she saw cal as he stood with Alicia, Madison looked to them with tears in her eyes, she was hurt, she was hurt that after all she had done to split them up he had gone back to her

Madison knew how cal was mad at her and she got it but she didn't get why he was doing this, she didn't understand why he was going to her, she was his ex but she knew that he respected her more when she was carrying his baby

Madison had a hand on her bump and sighed. Madison knew it was too much and she knew how it was effecting her and she hated it. Madison slammed down the file as cal looked to them and they made eye contact as she stormed off

"madison" cal said as he walked after her as she looked to him and glared

"do you really hate me that much you have to flirt and go near her, she broke us up cal, she did this

"it's not what you think" cal said as Madison sighed

"I don't care shag her for all I care, I'm done" she said as she walked off

Madison stood in the staff toilets as she wiped the tears from her eyes. She felt alone knowing how it was all over with cal.

She knew it was a mess but she never thought he'd do that to her and go running to the likes of Alicia.

Madison thought she was worth more than that to him but she guessed that she was wrong, she knew that she was having his baby and how alone that she felt but she knew that she couldn't do it anymore.

She couldn't fight for him and act as if she was okay when she wasn't. Madison knew that she was done with it all

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