Escape your fate

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For years now; women all over the world have been so desperate to find their soul mate, they will go through weeks and weeks of testing to find the man with their exact results. Why? Solitude. Although this is how it started, now women of all ages are forced to take this test. The person that matches their results, are kidnapped and they are forced into marriage by the government.

There is no running.

There is nowhere to hide.

Because the government will find you; and kill you, if you try.

People have turned to suicide.

But they get stopped; and tortured. And once again, from the beginning; forced into marriage. If you somehow do complete suicide; your family gets tortured; hanged until last minute, and dropped, seconds before death. Then they continue their lives.

The government's purpose? They believe men own women.

The man she is forced with, has no choice but to marry her. There are no laws towards what the men do to their wives. Once she is his, she is his. His possession. His property. His doormat. His slave. His.

The government knows the women is old enough or mature enough for marriage because she has memorized all 1,000 laws that she must follow. If she doesn't have it memorized by age 17, she is hanged. The women choose when to study, and is reminded when it must be memorized throughout her life.

Some people say it is the women's fault this started. Some people say it is the government's fault this started. But in the end the women must remember- they have no background knowledge on her husband. He can go from being an obsessive drunk, to a serial killer. And ALWAYS remember what is said- till death do them part.

This is my story on how I managed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2013 ⏰

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