Saving Sammy

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Dean and Mary had been tracking the black SUV that had taken Sam from the bunker ever since they'd discovered he was missing. Dean had also been calling Castiel's cell phone every little bit but he never answered which worried Dean after finding the angel banishing sigil on the wall in the bunker. After talking to the veterinarian who dug the bullet out of Sam's leg and getting attacked by the crazy British lady, they finally had a real lead. Aldrich, MO. That was where they believed Sam was being held. Dean had done some extensive research and managed to find out that the woman who had taken Sam was a member of the British chapter of the Men of Letters named Toni Bevell. It wasn't easy but he was able to dig up the fact that she had just very recently rented a farmhouse just on the outskirts of Aldrich and he just knew that was where she was keeping Sam. "Yahtzee!" Dean shouted and jumped from his seat startling Mary who had been trying to figure out how to work Dean's cell phone for the past half hour.

"You found something?" She asked looking up at him.

"Yup! That bitch rented a farm house two weeks ago just outside of Aldrich. That has to be where Sammy is!" Dean announced then looked sheepish as he realized what he'd said in front of his mother.

Mary just raised an eyebrow but let it slide because she knew he was worried about Sam. She was too. She stood up and started to head to the door leading to the garage. "Alright, let's get going..."

Dean was hesitant. He knew that Mary was a hunter but he also knew that this mission to rescue Sam was dangerous. These people had connections and were able to get into the bunker and take Sam with relative ease. He wanted his mother to be safe. "Uh, listen, Mom. I got this. I mean we have no idea what we're walking into and it's dangerous."

Mary shrugged. "We're hunters, we never know exactly what we're walking into and it's always dangerous."

Dean ran his hand through his hair and sighed. "I can't do my job if I'm worried about watching out for you."

Mary walked over to Dean and put her hands on his shoulders. "You won't have to, Dean. I've been a hunter since before you were born. I can help you. I'm not going to just sit here and do nothing while my sons are in danger. I'm coming with you. Okay? Okay." She patted his shoulder then went to the door leaving Dean speechless.

Dean sighed and followed his mother out the door.


Sam wasn't sure exactly how long he had been chained to that chair in that stupid cellar. It was hard to keep track of the passage of time with all the drugs and spells Toni had used on him, not to mention the almost nonstop torture. The cuts on his face, chest, and arm barely registered but he had a raging headache and the gunshot wound in his leg was a constant dull ache, but the burn on his foot was the worst. His foot was in continuous searing agony despite the meager bandage that had been applied. It wasn't as if he'd been given any pain medicine aside from the stuff the veterinarian had given him after removing the bullet from his leg but that had long since worn off. Sam was still a tad insulted about being taken to a vet but he was grateful they had at least gotten him some medical treatment for the bullet wound.

Despite the misery he was in, he was glad to be alone for the time being. He dreaded hearing that door open because he knew she'd be coming back to interrogate him some more and her techniques were anything but pleasant. She had most recently taken to using the cattle prod on the wounds on his thigh and foot after dousing him with water again. She hadn't let him loose again since his failed escape attempt and he was pretty sure she had learned her lesson and wasn't going to give him any more freedom. He had felt around the chair he was chained to, what little of it he could reach, trying to find a splinter, a nail anything to pick the cuffs open but so far he'd had no luck. He yanked against the cuffs and chain out of frustration and instantly regretted it as the movement sent a sharp pain up his arms all the way to his sore and stiff shoulders and he groaned. He had already learned to keep his feet still because the metal bands clamped around his ankles were unforgiving and the slightest movement caused either the burn on his foot to flare up worse or the wound in his thigh to throb excruciatingly. He was quite thirsty and hungry as well, but he wasn't going to mention either issue because he figured Toni would just turn on the freezing shower again which he could do without, thank you very much, and he didn't even want to know what she'd try feeding him.

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