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You did what!!!
Mom how could you allow strangers to live in our house and without any of us knowing!!
I sit down on the couch listening to my sister yell at my mom and for once I agree with her. I mean how can she allow multiple strangers to
live in our house and when I say multiple I mean three. THREE PEOPLE!!! Calming my self down I look over my shoulder to see my younger brother Lincoln with the most biggest smile I have ever seen. Well I'm glad someone is happy in this situation. When I think about it, I guess it can't be that bad. I mean whoever does end up living here has probably had a rough life , so why am I being so selfish?

"Hey mom, I actually think this might be a great opportunity for us I mean ever since dad we haven't really had excitement in the house."

"See Jade!! Why won't you be more like your sister Riley?"

"Ughh are you serious Riley not you too!!" My sister says
"Jade come on it can't be that bad.!!"I complain.

"Do you know what thank you Riley at least someone can be supportive of my decisions!!"

"Your very welcome mom."

"Anyways I'm glad you're all OK with this because they're coming today."

My jaw dropped!! Like literally dropped all the way down to the floor and I can't seem to put it back to place.
Noises break the silence, until I finally realize it's Lincoln's screams of joy jumping up and down.
Mom at least seems happy about his reaction.
Mom!! Why are you telling this to us now shouldn't we at least know so we can prepare!!

"Look Riley, I'm sorry for not telling you this sooner. But if it makes you feel better Ive thought everything out. Jade can sleep with me in my bedroom. Lincoln will share his room and i've already brought the extra bed in there for the other nine-year-old who is coming. Leaving Jades 's room for the two 17 year olds."

"Mom but that's literally across from my room!!
I know that's why I'm leaving them there because I thought you could make them feel more welcomed. But if your not ok with that then we can make something else up."


"look mom I'm sorry I didn't mean for me to yell. It's just a lot to take in all at once.
I don't mind where they sleep. Im actually really happy with your decision"

I know my moms really set on this so theres really no way out.

"Ding". My mom picks up her phone. Well that's good because there here.!!

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