Part 1

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This begins with Mirabel ceremony. so Camilo and Mirabel are 5, Luisa is 9, Isabela and Dolores are 13. The triplets are in their 40s and Abuela is 66.

hope you guys like it😅

I apologize for any mistakes me


Things took more of a dark turn after Mirabel's ceremony than she would have liked to imagine. After the little girl had touched what would have been her door, it faded away to nothing and the candle flickered in a concerning way. she turned to look at Abuela questioningly and scared and all she did was hold the candle close to her chest.

The town had looked very worried because of it and no one spoke a word when they left. Dolores and Isabela, being the oldest of all the grandkids, shared a look with each other before they were told to take the kids to bed.

Isabel grabbed at Luisa's hand who in turn grabbed Camilo's as they walked off to bed. Dolores picked Mirabel up off the ground seeing as she couldn't walk because of shock, and took her back to the nursery.


Mirabel whispered in a scared voice as she was put down onto the bed. She stared at her hands before looking up at her older cousin with watery eyes. "Is there something wrong with me?" The older girl stared at the 5 year old with sad eyes before giving her a smile and brushing her hair out her face. "There's nothing wrong with you Mira."

She got up to go to the closet and grabbed Mirabel's PJs. Once she found what she was looking for she went back to the bed and sat beside her. She looked back at Mirabel who sat there sniffling. Dolores sighed and sat back down next to the small girl before she picked her up and tried to soothe her cries.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. Sometimes things that we can't control happen. And Maybe there is a good reason why you didn't get a gift." Mirabel turned her head to face to meet Dolores' and met her eyes. "You really think so?"

The 13 year old nodded her head with a soft smile. "I know so, Prima. Gift or no gift you are still just as special as the rest of us. Because we are the Madrigals, and we can do anything. Okay?"

She continued to rock Mirabel back and forth slowly as she spoke. The little girl rubbed the tears out her eyes and gave Dolores a small smile. "Okay"

She set her back down so that she could change her clothes and once she was finished she took Mirabel's glasses off her face and laid her in the bed. "Try and get some sleep, it's going to be quite the day tomorrow."

Before she left out the door she gave Mirabel a kiss on her forehead and received a tiny goodnight. Once she got on the other side and made sure the door was closed her soft expression changed into one of worry.

What was this going to mean for the family? Was there something wrong with the candle? 

Dolores shook her head and sighed. Everything was going to be fine. Abuela will figure something out and everything will go back to normal. Just as she was about to walk away from the door her ears twitched. She cocked her head to the side as it continued.

".... please. If there is something going on, if something is going to happen to the miracle I need to know." That sounded like Abuela.

Dolores blank her eyes and heard a sigh from the person she was talking to. "Okay mami, I'll look into it tomorrow" Dolores eyebrows scrunched up as she looked up at where the voices came from. Tio Bruno?

What were they planning? What were they going to look into? It was probably something revolving around Mirabel. She shook her head to get rid of her thoughts before going to her room and repeated the same thing she's been saying to herself since the ceremony ended. 

"Everything is going to be fine, there's nothing to worry about."


I'll most like fix any typos after I've finished posting the whole story.

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