Chapter Fourteen: Meet the Parents

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Elsa's Pov

       Gothel looks at me with a look of shock and horror in her eyes. She stumbles back as the ice begins penetrating her heart, spreading quickly. 

"You...little...brat!" she struggles.

"What was that?" I bait. "I can't hear you." 

       Gothel steps towards us but before she can grab any one of us, Jack hits her with his starlight, throwing her back. She looks shocked looking around for where the power came from. Jack reveals himself, and I've never seen a powerful woman so scared. She looked terrified to see him. 

"You?!" Gothel winces clutching her heart. She disappears leaving the necklace on the floor. 

       I turn around hugging Jack. Happy to see him. Eugene lands in front of us also giving my sister a hug. I can't believe I have a twin sister of all things. And one I grew up without. I can't help but think of all the adventures we missed out on, but I wouldn't change growing up with Anna for the world. Speaking of which, I seriously wonder how she going to take the news. Eugene comes back with the necklace, handing it to Edlyn. She looks at me. 

"I still can't believe you're my sister. I mean, I was wondering why I felt so drawn to you, but I never expected this." I say.

Edlyn hugs me. "I'm just happy we finally got what we came here for."

"Not exactly." I look down at the necklace.

Edlyn looks at me. "Well, let's change that. Let's go home." 

       The 4 of us walk to the castle. I feel weird saying I'm finally home, but it feels good to know I may not be some unwanted burden. Once we get to the castle, guards cautiously open the door. Their faces light up upon seeing Edlyn. 

"My friends and I are going to my parent's bedroom. Please do not disturb, but prepare a meal." She commands. 

       Edlyn seems so powerful. But then again she's had some practice. Edlyn leads us back upstairs but through a backway. She says it's so no one follows us. Once we get there. Eugene locks the door, then joins us in the middle of the room. 

"Are we ready to do this?" Edlyn asks as she hands the necklace over to Jack.

"Yeah." I exhale nervously. 

       Edlyn takes my hand. Jack uses his starlight to break the necklace, freeing King Frederic and Queen Ariana. 

"Mom! Dad!" Edlyn runs to them. 

       The boys untie them, and I can't help but stand there awkwardly. What am I supposed to do? What if they don't remember me and I just go running up to them? I have to wait my turn. 


"Eugene told me what happened. I'm so sorry I wasn't there." Edlyn hugs them.

"You couldn't have known honey." Queen Ariana sighs happily.

"We're just glad you're here now." King Frederic adds.

"Mom, Dad," She pulls away. "I have someone to introduce you to." 

       Edlyn pulls me forward, and I can't explain the feeling of seeing yourself for the first time. For a moment we stare at each other. 

"E-elsa?" Queen Ariana walks towards me slowly. "Honey, is that you?

"So Gothel was right? You guys are my parents." 

       Before I can say anything else, I'm pulled into a hug. My father joins in, then finally Edlyn. The tears rolling down my cheeks seem like they can go on forever. 

"Honey," my mother looks at me. "we are so sorry we weren't the ones to tell you."

"It's okay." I sniffle.

My father stands shaking Eugene's hand. He stops in front of Jack looking at him for a bit. My father shakes his hand thanking him for bringing my sister and me home. Oh boy.

"Come on, get cleaned up, we're going to have lunch soon." I say as Edlyn and I lead our parents to the washroom. 

       Once our parents are ready, we walk them down to the dining hall where the boys wait for us standing. We sit down, and my father can't keep his dirty looks off of Jack. My mom nudges him but the looks don't stop.

"So, Jack where are you from?" My father asks.

"Burgess sir."

"Why did you leave?"

"Honey." My mom looks at him to stop.

"Your highness I left Burgess years ago, and I've been staying at the school for years. It was a good place for me to gain better control of my abilities. I wasn't born with them, and when I gained them, I found out that I was much more powerful than I originally thought. Before meeting your daughter, I was an arrogant young man, who thought his powers made him better than anyone else. So to answer your question sir, I left because I needed to understand my power and found someone who would help me, in doing so I was able to meet someone who made me want to become what I was always meant to be. A protector." 

       Saying nothing, my father stands walking up to Jack as if he's about to rip him to pieces. Jack stands ready for whatever is coming next. My father puts out his hand out and Jack shakes his hand. 

"Don't break her heart." My father commands.

"Not the plan." 

       After lunch, my parents sit us all down in the living room. Saying they need to tell us what happened with Elsa. 

"Girls, the day you were born was the greatest day of our lives, but it was almost my last. I was very sick and your father had guards go out and look for a yellow flower capable of healing properties. They found it just in time, put it in warm water, and I drank it just before giving birth. It's what gave you your powers and hair color." My mom says.

"Just before we could name you, an old woman broke into the castle and kidnapped Edlyn. We didn't know what she would do if she found out able Elsa, and we could risk losing you too, so we sent you to live in Arendelle. We didn't want to lie about where you came from, but we couldn't risk you coming back and getting taken." My father finishes.

"I believe you, and you're right. As soon as aunt Iduna and uncle Agnarr died, would've come looking for you, so I'm glad you didn't tell me." I say.

"But I do have something to add." Mom says sounding regretful.

"Mom what is it?" Edlyn touches her knee.

She takes a deep breath. "I didn't know who it was at first, but after learning about what powers you might have, I figured it out. Mother Gothel, isn't just anyone. She is my great-great-great-grandmother. A woman who was said to be obsessed with her looks. If we needed an example not to be conceded, she was it. but she didn't recognize me. I recognize her from the photos, and I never want to see her again."

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