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Sister Bernadette had been attacked and was stuck in hospital. Her wimple had been taken off her head, to make sure she doesn't overheat, revealing her silky, honey blonde hair. She had two people sat with her. Her closest friend and sister, Sister Julienne, and Doctor Turner. Sister Julienne was sat right next to her, whereas Doctor Turner was sat at the other side of the room. He told Sister Julienne he was only present in the room because he was a professional doctor, just in case, but actually, he was too scared to leave her side.

"Come closer." Sister Julienne said to Doctor Turner.

He paused for a while, before he spoke, and stared at Sister Julienne. "Why, is she ok?"

Sister Julienne smiled at him before replying. "No, because you love her."

A flash of panic rushed through him. "Sister, whatever could have given you that idea?" He responded quickly.

"You always get secretly excited when you're on call with her and you're always staring at her and might not realise it but you smile at her too. A lot." She knew it was against the rules of being a nun, but she couldn't help but feel sorry for him. He had lost his wife and had to look after his son, Timothy, on his own, while being incredibly busy, getting called out all the time. "Just this once." She beamed at him. He rushed over to her and held her hand before raising it up to his lips and kissing it. He glanced at Sister Julienne, worried he would get into trouble, but she gave him permission with her soft eyes.

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