Dare 2 & 3

56 9 18

So 2 dare is --

From :- I_luv_India as Duryodhana

To :- -irxnicwxves. As Bhanumati

So the dare is :-
                      She have to write letter to Duryodhana telling him to overcome ego hatred and to leave Shakuni's friendship .

Jiji Bhanumati pls complete your dare okay

And here is Dare 3

From :- I_luv_India as Duryodhana

To :- vrikodar_bheem as Bheem

        The dare is :-
                           Bheem should be write a letter for his younger brother Duryodhana for telling his younger brother to leave bad friendship of Shakuni

Bhratashree Bheem pls complete your dare


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