Chapter 1

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A butterfly.... A small butterfly, as blue as you'd imagine. So pretty as it's just slowly flying, flapping its wings so delicately. As it's only just flying it's being admired by a person from afar. A girl, who's following the butterfly's motions from her room window. The butterfly lands softly and slowly on the small wooden opening of her window. "Hey there" the girl greeted the fragile insect smiling.

The butterfly spreads its wings and leaves the window and flies up. The girl grins from ear to ear full of excitement. Happily climbing down her window running after the blue insect. Following where the insect goes, forgetting to look where she was going and being unaware of her surroundings, she ends up in a place she's never been before. Suddenly the sound of trickling water catches her attention. Completely distracted due the curiosity the girl has she follows the sound of the water. She pushes aside some bushes as she got her foot stuck under a tree root and tripped right when she took a step. Hitting her head on a branch rolling back onto the ground.

Letting out a groan the girl gets up rubbing her head. She then immediately forgets about the pain completely as in front of her was a beautiful water fountain. "Wow..." the girl let out from underneath her breath. Taking a few steps closer to the fountain she sees the butterfly fly passed her. Watching it like she did before this time with stars in her eyes from the beauty of everything around her.

Suddenly a voice spoke, "you're not supposed to be here.". The girl jumped from the sudden words and looks around from where it came from. Not seeing anything the figure from who the voice belongs to reveals himself from behind the fountain.

A tall guy.... With clothes that looked as if it was crafted by the hands of angels fitting his figure perfectly. It looked like it was shimmering like moonlight. His skin was pale but as perfect and bright as can be. His eyes were sharp and dark, completely different from the rest of him except his hair. It was dark and seemed black. And his ears..... his ears were strange.. pointy and long.

Without realizing it the girl was staring at him for over 2 minutes now. "How much longer are you gonna need?" The guy spoke making the girl embarrassed. "Sorry-" she said after realizing she stared. "Who are you?" The guy spoke getting closer, his hands behind his back walking like a prince. "M-me? Oh Uhm.. I'm y/n" she said getting nervous from him getting closer. "Am I making you uncomfortable?" The guy asked stopping from getting any closer. The girl shook her head "n-no no you're not". "I'm Hyunjin" he spoke.

"And this..." he pauses as he held his finger up as the butterfly sat on it slowly, "this is, Neri" he says smiling sweetly. "The butterfly has a name?" Y/n said smiling. Hyunjin nodded. "Neri, isnt an ordinary butterfly.. he's a fairy actually" Hyunjin said again getting a bit closer. "Pffft a fairy? Yeah sure" y/n scoffed not believing the guy. "But it's true" he came close and held the beautiful blue winged fairy in front the girls face. The girl looked at him and then the butterfly and sees how it slowly looked like a super small person. A little boy. Her mouth opened "it's.... Its a fairy!"she let out in slight disbelief. "He's a fairy, and his name is Neri" Hyunjin corrected her smiling. "Oh of course my bad, sorry little guy! You're wings are beautiful" the girl said to the little fairy. The fairy giggled and flew up and sat on y/n's head.

"So if fairies are real... what else is real? Gnomes? Trolls?! Dwarfs?! Elves????!" Y/n asked full excitement. Hyunjin chuckled and pointed at his ears. "Elves are quite real alright" he said smiling. "OH MY GOD YOU'RE AN ELF?!!" The girl almost screamed out. "Sssh" he shushed her laughing. "Yes I am and yes the others also exists but a little different as you might think" he explained. "Wow... really" she said with opened mouth.

Hyunjin nodded. "Hmmm for example...." He said with a cute smirk like smile getting down to a flower. "BOO!" he yelled as the flower flinched at the sudden yelling. "What the-" the girl watched the scene. Hyunjin starts laughing as beneath the flower a head popped from out the ground. He looked at the laughing guy with an annoyed face. "Sorry Flos" Hyunjin said still laughing a bit. The little head came out the ground completely revealing its small -but compared to the fairy big- body and walked to the fountain climbing on it and sits down crossing their arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2022 ⏰

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