1. First Day

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POV: Waverly Nadine Hawkins

I hold onto my bag a little tighter as I enter my new school. My mom waved to the principal before turning to me and saying 

"Waverly, I know you miss the farm back in South Dakota, but try and make some friends or join an activity," this was her way of trying to make New York a place where I can be happy. Before I could respond, the principal handed me my schedule and a map of the school while saying

 "You couldn't have chosen a better time to transfer, second semester is just starting today." The two of them talk more about whatever principals and parents talk about while I wander a little ways over to the large trophy case. Something that the school was clearly proud of, and I can see why. This school has almost every activity, sport, and club you could imagine. Even being state champs in a few. That's when I noticed it, a plaque of a bulls eyed target with a picture of the archery team, however the date listed was six years past, I made a mental note to ask someone about it later.

The bell rang loudly as the hallway emptied, tearing my gaze away from the trophy case as I walk back over to the adults.

 "...she'll fit in just fine here Ms. Hawkins, you won't need to worry," he finished saying. Mom turned to me, "I'll pick up you up at 3:15 and Mr. Olsen is going to show you to your first class. But for the love of God, be social," giving me a pointed look before giving me a hug.

 I roll my eyes before responding with " what is this 'being social' you speak of?" My antics would normally earn me a scolding, but she's running late so she just sighs. 

"3:15 Waverly, don't forget it" as she headed out of the school. I grin at my small victory before looking at my schedule. 

"Lets see your schedule...first hour history, that's on the way to the lockers," Once we arrived to Mr. Reynolds's class Mr. Olsen told him my name and where I'm from, then walked back the way we came. Upon re-entering the classroom he announced the usual 'new kid' speech before nodding in the direction of an open seat in the back "Go ahead and sit next to Barney in the back."

I liked this spot because it was one row over from the window, and a map of the world was pinned up right behind me. In the seat to my left (closest to the window) is a teenager with reddish-brown hair, blue eyes, and a sad face. He appeared to be older than the rest of the students in the class, probably a senior. As I made my way to the seat he gave me the once over before directing his attention back to the front of the room, this gave me the impression that he took school seriously, and judging on how ratty his clothes are I would say- 

I had to stop myself, I know it's wrong to assume things because you'll never know  what is actually happening in some ones life, and as my dad always says, 'there is a reason assumptions is spelt a-s-s, because it makes an ass out you.' So I also turned my attention to Mr. Reynolds as he continued the lesson.

Author Note: Sorry the first chapter is so short, but the rest I will try to make a little longer. Enjoy!

Clinton Francis Barton & Waverly Nadine HawkinsWhere stories live. Discover now