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lil Timmy Tim
I can't fucking believe you .

Wait what
Baby what r y talking about ?
Timothée answer me

lil timmy tim
I know I hurt you but that is NO fucking reason
For you to go out and cheat on me

Wait hold on
What the hell are you on about ????
Me cheating ??!
you know me
I would never do that to you
timothée fucking answer me

lil Timmy tim
and you just had to choose my best friend
never fucking text me again

TOM ??
babe please
I have no idea what ur talking about
I promise
Please call me
I can't believe your doing this to me
after everything we've been through
Your going to leave me
Over this stupid fucking bullshit ?
timothee I swear to fucking god

Amberry is calling
accept | Decline

I can't believe your doing this to me
I thought we were better than this
you know me
you hurt me SO bad timothée
I wouldn't want anyone to EVER go through that
and you know me Timmy

lil Timmy Tim
perhaps I never did

this isn't fair
this isn't fucking fair to me
after everything I've done for you
I fucking forgave you
when you didn't even deserve it
but I love you
And I would've done it all over again
and what the fuck
Tom ??
Where the fuck did you even get that from ?

Lil Timmy Tim
That doesn't matter
What matters is that I loved you so much
And you threw it away like it was nothing

It was lily
wasn't it

lil Timmy Tim
you know what
yes it was .
but I trust her so much more than you right now

I'm laughing
you are such a fucking Idiot timothée
why the hell would you trust her
you guys are still talking ?

lil Timmy Tim
No , don't you dare put this on me
I didn't do shit to you

What the fuck is wrong with you
I fucking hate you
I can't believe you would do this to me
we were so happy
I loved you so much
I forgave you
you fucking bitch
you know what
I'm done

lil Timmy Tim
Done ?

I'm done hurting myself by staying with you
you don't deserve me
you and lily deserve each other
you've hurt me so much timmy
But the scariest thing is
I don't think I'll ever really hate you
but I'm done
Done with all your bullshit

lil Timmy Tim
I guess this is good bye then

never again

lil Timmy Tim
Never again

the end

authors note
I guess this is the end
I really wanted to make a story with a sad ending
So here it is !!
Thank you for over 700 reads , I'm crying
love you all
And thank you

𝑁𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑔𝑎𝑖𝑛 - T.ᴄDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora