entry 4

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cw//child abuse

So i honestly hate how my aunt deals with my autistic cousin (my cousin is adopted btw she was adopted when she was 10 and is 12 now) my aunt and uncle did some shit stuff (that might be for a later entry) light but still wrong to me well alot of shitty things have been done to my cousin in attempts to help her "get over" her autistic traits she came from a abusive home and had lots of mental health issues and issues expressing herself she also had safe foods which were like three maybe four foods and unlike what i would have done to just give them to her (they were fine and had the neccessary ingredients for her diet btw) until she felt up to try new foods because she would have came around to it eventually but they cooked her lots of new foods which she refused and refused to eat and they would take her ipad away if she didn't eat them basically taking away her safe foods and making her eat unsafe foods she didn't want to eat she struggled with it for months and it was obvious she hated it and then she had some ways of expressing herself or stims like growling or barking and making strange noises and my aunt would scold her and scold her and it pissed me off sm like the poor girl cant control it she would get chewed out for growling because it was seen as rude which was wrong she was being happy and affectionate last time i saw her she stimmed and got chewed out for it she was just happy to see the movie we had seen and got chewed out because the stim she had made was seen as annoying and gross like come on she was so happy :/ but yeah it was shitty

So i honestly hate how my aunt deals with my autistic cousin (my cousin is adopted btw she was adopted when she was 10 and is 12 now) my aunt and uncle did some shit stuff (that might be for a later entry) light but still wrong to me well alot of ...

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I feel bad for her she cant see its wrong or understand they are hurting her i tried to tell her but she wont listen she just cant think they would ever hurt her even on accident

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