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                                                                        2857, Loccillun, Ever-Rot

The world was completely deafened. The shockwave rippled through the air, windows shattered and everything was brought to a standstill. Nobody knew it was coming until it was too late. The comet, a freak of nature, made impact with Ever-Rot, causing devastating impact. The electromagnetic properties of the comet were powerful enough to render all technology unusable. Dust and smoke emanated from the crash site. The surface area of the crater was the size of a country.

The shockwave shook and devastated buildings in every city across the world, nowhere was safe. Anyone that was outside on the time of impact was killed or severely injured. It didn't take long for chaos to ensue. Civilization was out of the question with all the mass destruction worldwide. Many wanted to flee, but there was nowhere to go.

Susy was eating dinner with her mother. Her family consisted of of just her and her mother, who she felt an emotional disconnect with. They didn't share many words along the course of Susy's childhood, but she worked hard everyday to put food on the table and a roof over her daughter's head. Susy was never a very social person, whether it was family or other children in the neighbourhood.

The ambience of the room was calm and nonchalant, nobody could have predicted the near future to permanently alter everything the world was accustomed to, changing the dynamics of society, the fabric of reality. Bloodlines ended, heirs disinherited, faith towards an unresponsive god diminishing within every mind left alive after this culling of humanity.

All the windows shattered at the same time, but nothing could be heard afterwards. The only sound that could be heard after the initial shockwave was the ringing of the ears and the deafening silence that accompanied it. Glass went everywhere, the house was unstable and collapsing. It was painful, but the situation caused her survival instincts to kick in, adrenaline rushing, putting pain and emotion on the backburner until she reaches safety.

Susy escaped the house while it was debilitating to the point of collapse. Her mother seemed to die on impact, so Susy wasted no time in getting out. It's a good job she did, the house collapsed seconds after she made it out. She had a one track mindset, surviving. There were no other concerns such as looking around for survivors. As a 13 year old there wasn't much she thought she could do.

It was a directionless and scared run, she had no idea where the end goal was. Destruction and flames engulfed the city as it burnt to the ground. There were underground tunnels, for the trains. "That would be a safe place to reach." Susy thought. "I just need to run for about a mile more and-" Her train of thought was interrupted by a deep hum. A strong hum that vibrated a large area about it. It wasn't a human sounding noise, it sounded like... hundreds of insect wings, buzzing together in unison.

"Help me, I'm stuck!" cried out a voice from under the rubble. There was a girl, about 2 years younger than Susy, stuck underneath the wreckage. Susy approached the location of the voice. She could see the movement and located two legs. "It's a miracle she wasn't crushed." Susy thought. She pulled on the legs and tried to clear away some of the rubble on top. She used all the strength she had to free the trapped girl.

The buzzing grew stronger, but Susy still couldn't locate the source. She took the girl and kept running in pursuit of the underground tunnels. The entrance was in her eyeline. The sky went darker. There was smoke and dust clouds weakening the sunlight, but this didn't matter as soon enough Susy will be underground. There was a ladder straight down into the tunnel. Susy and the girl accompanying her were not the only survivors there. There was crowding all around the ladder, no guarantee on how long she would need to wait to get down there as the remains of humanity fought and scrambled with each other to put themselves first.

The buzzing soon revealed itself. Locusts. The source of the hum emanating from the sky was a massive swarm of giant locusts, big enough in mass to block out the light. Panic ensued on the survivors scrambling and fighting to get down the ladder. Susy had to do anything to ensure her own survival. She barged through the carnage, while dragging along the girl she saved and took the opportunity to cut in front of others and climb down.

For now, her job is done. Everything will calm down eventually. "What's your name?" Susy asked to the girl. "I-I'm Erin." the scared girl answered. "I'm Susy. I won't leave your side if you don't leave mine." Erin nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2022 ⏰

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