ch 3 | there she is

186 9 4

 short chapter

' ' Alright, Yoimiya, wheres the new girl?! I wanna see her!! ' ' Yanfei clinged to Yoimiya's arm. ' ' Nope!~ Not till everyone gets here~. ' ' Yoimiya laughed, and booped Yanfei's nose with her index finger. ' ' Ughhhhh..... I've been waiting all day! ' ' She frowned. Yoimiya smiled and went to go answer the door. When she and Ganyu arrived, Razor and Bennett, Fischl, Amber and Eula, and Itto were already there. Razor and Bennett were playing rock paper scissors, and Ganyu was on her phone, looking like she was about to cry. Alarmed, Yanfei quickly scooted over. ' ' Ganyu? What's wrong? ' ' She asked quickly. ' ' A-ah, nothing... this story is just sad, that's all... ' ' Yanfei laughed and gave her a hug.

Yoimiya opened the door one last time, and Keqing stepped through. ' ' K-keqing! H-hey! ' ' Ganyu yelped excitedly, face flushed. Keqing looked at Ganyu, her face red as well. ' ' H-hello. ' ' Yoimiya rolled her eyes. ' ' Kay everyone, listen up! ' ' Yoimiya yelped, wanting everyones attention. Yes! It's time!! Yanfei sat up straight, next to Ganyu and Keqing. ' ' Why are we making such a big deal over a new student?... ' ' Chongyun asked. Yanfei twitched. Shut up, Chongyun! It could be that pretty girl, that's enough to make a ginormous deal!! ' ' Because. Hu Tao, you can come out now!! ' ' Yoimiya yelled.

A couple seconds later, a girl stepped into the room. Yanfei's jaw dropped, adoring the sight. Oh my god I'm actually going to cry she's so pretty it's the brunette girl!! She jumped up, ran over to the girl, and shook her hand vigorously. ' ' Hello!! My name's Yanfei!! Wanna be friends?! Hu Tao, was it? ' ' Yanfei asked excitedly, waiting to hear her voice. ' ' Uhm, yeah! My name is indeed Hu Tao! ' ' Hu Tao giggled. Yanfei smiled, then realized her outburst. ' ' A-ah, I'm sorry I bombarded you like that. ' ' Yanfei bowed appolgetically. ' ' Oh, don't worry about that~ ' ' A few giggles interrupted, and Yoimiya began to speak.

' ' Alright everyone, listen up!! You all know the rules for sleepovers at this school, but Hu Tao probably doesn't. So, Hu Tao, the rules are simple; no boys at a girls sleepover and no girls at a boys sleepover, no sleepovers on school nights or Sundays, don't cause a lot of noise, that's all I can really think of right now. We are, breaking the rules. But, the only way the teachers that stay here can find out is if we cause noise, and lets just hope nobody hear told a teacher. We'd be in huge trouble if Jean found out there were males in here, but she should be asleep... hopefully. Now, if a teacher does happen to come in, I want all the males to go to my room. Teachers are only allowed to search the front room, so we should be fine. Now... who wants to play spin the bottle?~ ' '

That's gonna be one bigass circle cause that's almost all of the playable genshit characters-

Short chapter!! Changed the title to isle 13 cause that's were they met 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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