Chapter 4: A Run in with the bad boys

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 After school was over I picked up Alex from his school. I decided to take him to a diner we passed when I was taking him to school. It was a small diner and didn't have too many people there so it was perfect. We walked in and sat in the back corner. As we sat down Alex started to ramble excitedly about the new friends he made. I was glad he was happy, it was all I wanted. Soon the waitress came over and that made Alex be quiet and start being shy. I grabbed the menus she handed to us and I thanked her and ordered our drinks when she asked. Alex was quiet the whole time, I made sure to handle everything so he wouldn't have to worry. When the waitress went away Alex thanked me and came and sat next to me hugging me. I just smiled a small quick smile and kissed his head. I went over the menu helping him decide what to order. When he decided on chicken tenders and fries. I went on to decide for myself. A few moments later the waitress came and took our orders with me again ordering for us.
As we sat waiting for the food Alex rambled to me with me commenting every so often. Soon our food was sitting in front of us and we started eating. Just as I was taking my first bite a group of boys came in that I immediately recognized as the school "bad boys". They were talking and joking and making their way towards us not even realizing we were here. Soon they stood at our table and realized it was taken. They looked shocked at first but walked to the booth next to us instead. All but one who put on a flirtatious smile. "Hey cupcake, what's with you and taking our seats? Were you trying to get our attention? Well you got it. How about a date tonight at 12? We can have a real good time," he flirted, pissing me off and making Alex hold me closer. I calmed down and didn't react even though I wanted to beat the shit out of him. I was still angry but calm enough to not react to him. I flipped him off and kindly told him to fuck off so I could enjoy my meal.
I would've said more but Alex yanked on my shirt saying he wanted to go home. That really pissed me off and made me glare at the guy who ruined our dinner. I picked Alex up gently and carefully despite being angry. I calmly stood up and dumped my unfinished drink on his head. When I was done a bunch of laughter erupted from the booth next to us. I stormed to the cashier, throwing enough money to cover our food and tip on the counter. I took Alex to the truck helping him in and buckling him in. As soon as I finished the "bad boys" came rushing out yelling "new girl", but I just glared, flipping them off and driving off not wanting to deal with anymore of their bullcrap. 

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