Chapter 02

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He gets a text from New around six saying that Frank's asking to talk to him, so he calls him on face-time. He's in his bed, Tay can tell when he answers because he's
1 holding Froggie, his lovie, who New requires stays in his bedroom.

"Hello, love," he greets sweetly.

"Hi, daddy," he croaks.

"How you feeling, baby?"

"Okay, daddy."

"Are you sure?"

"My body hurts everywhere and it's hard to swallow," he admits softly.

"I'm sorry, love."

"It's not your fault."

"I love you, baby."

"I love you too daddy."

"What can I do to make you feel better?"

"Tell me a story."

"What story?"

"Prince New and Prince Tay." Tay tries not to let his emotions show on his face; his stomach drops at the request, but Frank looks so pathetic that he gives in.

"There were once two princes: prince New from Hat Yai and prince Tay from Chiang Mai. They both auditioned for a live show, and they were accepted in Five Live Fresh. Prince New was very good and very cute, but Prince Tay messed up a little and just wanted to maybe get through. The first time they met was in the studio, even though they were from the same university. It really wasn't that romantic, but that didn't mean they didn't try to make it romantic later on. "

"They then both became actors, and partnered on tv shows," Frank adds as he yawns and sets up the iPad so he can lie on his side.

"They had to hide their love from everyone. They fell in love, even though they lost," Tay continues the story as Frank's eyelids become heavy.

"He loves that story," New tells him when he's asleep.

"New, you need to take him to the doctor."

"He's a kid, Tay, he gets sick."

"He never falls asleep until the Kiss Me Again era. Never."

"You're being ridiculous," New tells him.

"Tell me you'll take him."

"If he still feels bad tomorrow, I'll take him."


"Tay, I'll do it if I say I'll do it."

"Okay, I'm sorry. I'm just worried about him. It's Frank, you know?"

"Honestly, I do. I know; he's our son and he's our sweet boy."

"Pluem and Nanon would be offended."

"Pluem is our little man. Nanon's our sassy boy, you know that."

"I do."

"I'll text you if anything comes up."

"Thanks, I'll call you tomorrow."

Tay takes a nap of his own because he can't stop his brain from whirling in overtime. He's worried about Frank; he's usually vibrant and fascinated in everyone around him. He's probably their most empathic child. He was the first to understand how unhappy Tay was when they were getting divorced. He would curl up with him on the couch to watch soccer games, and he said he would come live with him in the apartment near their house even though he didn't have nearly as many things to entertain him with and he sucked at cooking. He's worried about him.

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